Chanting Tantrum

Its insane. I dont know how they managed to convince themselves that what their doing is okay. TAKING AN INFANT FROM THEIR MOTHER WHILE BREASTFEEDING. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!??!

Thank you for feeling the same anger I feel. This is absolutely horrifying to hear. ICE is full of mall cops living out their Rambo fantasies except instead of actual criminals its INFANTS!!!!

Jezebel hates everyone now a days. Its super annoying that we cant just be positive about someone unless theyve gone through something awful. I dont know why our default is negative.

Its not snowboarding season in Jasper at all right now. Its cooler in the mornings but it gets decently warm-ish temperatures at this time.

Thats what ive been thinking this entire time.

Oh nooooo my gif didnt show up. it was Isla Fisher in wedding crashers “i find you”

What a nightmare! That poor mother. Devastating.

Reminded me a lot of this:

Im with you a bit on this as well. If I was in her place my biggest concern would be my children and yes, while it is Vogue, I find the talk about saving Marchesa a bit lame. I would do whatever I could at this point to put my children first (and maybe she has... we dont know why).

Re Sarah and Erin Foster..

Wow... thats so strange. Im totally going to get it a whiff next time im near it and try really hard to see if i know what you mean.

I most certainly will!

Very well could be. And perhaps, since smell is so strongly tied to memory, I would imagine our experiences help to shape our smells...

haha thats hilarious.

Yes, but arent most smells quite subjective?

I love this. It makes my heart warm... Although, i do have a question.

I know.. its so heartwarming. How safe that baby felt sleeping on mama.

Hey Grenier is a complete weirdo but he’s right for calling out big companies and Im glad hes doing it... I do wish he wasnt so weird though.

I wanted to like them but I never knew what the heck was going on in them ever! Did anyone?