Chanting Tantrum

I LOVE that she knew she was in labor so she shaved her legs and painted her toe nails... Being alone she didnt freak out? She sounds bad ass.... I love it

Oh hiiiii. I am 36 weeks pregnant with my second and im hoping so much so that this birth is going to be like my first because my first was amazing.

Why.... WHY am I going to watch the shit out of this?! What is wrong with me?

He does look good but i think my favourite Affleck is The Town Affleck

I know that a part of them wanted to believe as you mentioned it was just after WWI and I know the girls did the photos to begin with for their mother who had just lost a child. So this was a way of coping i guess?

I gotta say, I figured I would just watch the first two eps of this upcoming season to see how they kill off Frank but this trailer doth look amazing... I think I might get rehooked! 

Im inspired by this womans courage. I would be so worried that people would be judging, calling it a “publicity stunt” as I just read one commenter write.

he and Hailey are both so religious they take the “til death do us part” vow literally

“I lost 90 pounds listening to your music”

HAHAHAHAAHAH thank you! happy friday to you! 

“You can tell she’s trying to maintain composure while assuaging his ego so her company won’t lose him as a client.”

I would have agreed with you about her seeming fake until I saw her documentary (?) on Netflix. She is super highly emotional and puts 100% emotion in everything she does. So I dont know if its fake. I think its very dramatic but i think its sincere.

I didnt either... if what is being written here is true, its a damned shame. I just think we lose site of the real problem here and the real problem is Les! I would be hard pressed to drag a womans name through the mudd who is likely going through so much at this time.

Jezebel: “Women always get blamed for the actions of their spouses”

okay seriously - im 25 seconds in and already started crying. It absolutely breaks my heart thinking that there are other animals going through this as we speak. 

I will definitely try to watch this but if its going to consist mainly of the train-wreck that Speidi is, Im out.

Im not a huge Ariana Grande fan. The donut incident really made me dislike her. I also feel she has zero stage pizzazz (if you watch her perform in music vids or on stage, she does the same three moves.. everything else is fluff thats going on around her). She can sing though and her songs (likely written by other


Bah - my heart! 

Thats heartbreaking. Are any of the other orcas in her pod also starved? Why is she not eating?