Chanting Tantrum

“Yeah, we had a great date, really hit off together, and afterwards we went to her place and I tossed her a welly.”

Can we please, please, PLEASE have text-only versions for those of us who aren’t able to watch videos? Pretty please?

In an abstract sense I would love a threesome with Chrissy Teigen and John Legend but only if a threesome is when three people hug and say encouraging things and then have snacks. The two of them can have sex and I'll tidy up the snack area but I don't think I'd be bringing anything to the table by participating.

Came here to say exactly that. F tmz too.

This is creepy. Can we not promote aggressive long-range paparazzi photos of infants and respect families’ wishes to allow their children private lives until they consent to being public figures?

Edit: and if anyone tries the old “they’re celebrities, they signed up for this” excuse you’ll be dismissed into the pits

I was watching this video about a drinking game called “two girls one cup” the other day, where two girls drink from a cup and I was reminded of the old drinking games we used to play in high school, like:

Jesus. I want to look like that (and have his fame and money)

Swole is when your muscles are literally swollen for a short period of time (for me about an hour) after a particularly difficult session of lifting weights.


He looks good (am I allowed to say that, or not edgy/snarky/sargasmic enough?).

who’s body-shaming? I’ve only seen positivity on this post, which is a nice contrast to the way most of the internet treats affleck.

It is important to note that he said, “I drank beer with my friends. Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out.”

The thing is as a teenager I was drunk at a lot of parties and yet a friend and I never held down a girl and covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. Strange...

Was just going to say this. Let’s go ahead and agree to teach boys to treat girls as human beings, teach them consent. When we have a group of men who have grown up believing that they can’t just try and shove their dick in anything they want, then they can try being on the supreme court again. I’m fine with 20-30

I read the same thing. That the deputies couldn’t even get the doors open to get to the women, and they tried very hard to get them out. The CNN article also states the women were seat belted in, but otherwise not restrained. Eventually, the deputies had to be rescued from the top of the van.

that would certainly change things. I really hope that is true. still tragic and awful but at least they weren’t chained in. 

OK so I know this isn’t the norm, and it was super fun for me to hear as a 30 year old woman for the first time. I’ve always known I was adopted, and it was never a BIG THING for me. However, when I was 30, my birth mother used an agency to track me down to see if I’d be interested in getting in touch with her.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.

@miss.terious: I had a rough birth, long, with forceps, two teams of docs pressing on my stomach, etc., but I'll tell you what: They told me later it was one of the hardest births (vaginal, not C-section) they'd ever had in that popular maternity ward, and I was all like, "Really?! That was already the hardest? Cause

@miss.terious: Not my story, but a friend of mine was telling her story the other day, and her labor was just a few hours, and as the baby was exiting, she could see her stomach flattening out to almost her pre birth size... with no stretch marks.