I’ll tell you why it’s bad: it features a member of the British royal family wearing a tiara belonging to the Spanish royal family.
I’ll tell you why it’s bad: it features a member of the British royal family wearing a tiara belonging to the Spanish royal family.
This seems like a good a place to ask this as anywhere else: Anyone else remember Meet the Barkers/Shanna Moaklar? That Who was crazy.
Shame on me for unintentionally omitting his Islamophobia!
“Christ ugh igh ugh Mandy Moore ick. The thought of her sticking her tongue down that filthy hatch. I might as well go watch Hostel. Smelly ass, ick. I LOATHE that guy.”
Oh, Hazel, you’ve absolutely nailed it! FIERCE or DAMAGED have replaced SEXY or PLAYFUL. Dreary stuff.
“It is triggered easily by things, like putting a quarter in a vending machine.”
Bozhe moi!
Exactly. The friends in my life who have kids make it work by:
My work has on-site daycare and with my employee discount I could enroll my kid (if I had one) at a bargain price of $27k per year. I doubt I could afford to have more than one child and older people with their “it all works out” advice don’t have a clue what it costs to raise a kid in the 21st century.
I support selling $1,000 bongs to rich idiots. Because, like all bongs, it will get knocked over and break. Soak rich assholes for all they're worth.
Left Eye broke it down for artists years ago. Behind the Music should be required viewing for anyone trying to make it in the music industry.
I <3 your state!
God, remember in The Long Winter when Pa participated in a blackface band??? I read that scene as a kid and didn’t get what the word “darkie” meant or why they’d dress that way at ALL.
It’s hand-sewn and woven from my cat’s fur, which is an apparently inexhaustible resource. ;-)
I ... um, never thought we were supposed to AGREE with Ma’s racism. Is this a thing now? That if a character in a book expresses a view, we assume all the readers will immediately start sharing it? Like how schools banned Huck Finn because it has the N word, without realising that nuance (and, in Twain’s case, satire)…
One of my sisters was very tall for her age and thin. She had a prairie dress during the height of their popularity in the 1970s. Recently we all came across a photo of her wearing it. Even she remarked that she looked like she was in her 40s. She was 9.
“Even during her lifetime, Wilder had to apologize for a line in Little House on the Prairie that said Kansas had “no people, only Indians.” More recent editions of the book now read “no settlers, only Indians.””
My sister and wife were going to get prairie dresses, but they died of cholera.
your response is super unnecessarily rude.