
Tesla Stans and Muskinites are on about the same cult level as MAGA hat wearing Drump fanatics. These people are sending death threats to Mach-E owners, just because they didn’t buy a Tesla. It was bad when i worked at Tesla, and it’s only gotten worse. The fanatics alone are enough to never want to buy a Tesla, let

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No one has mentioned the craptastic, motorcycle based F&F ripoff Torque. It was actually produced by one of the guys who did F&F.

My company has a fleet of various EV’s and by far our Teslas are the worst. Having used to work for Tesla, can confirm. Our Model Xs are always out of rotation for issues. However, one of our drivers clobbers a pot hole with a Model X. Blew out the front right air shock, bent the wheel, ripped off the inner fender.

Because who is stealing clapped out 17 year old VW Jettas in North Bethesda?

Knew this kid back in high school named Arnie. We hung out quite a bit, worked together on a road crew summer before senior year. One day after work, I’m driving Arnie home and he starts hollering at me to turn around, says he needs to see “her” again. Not sure what hes talking about, but I turn around and pull up an

New Hampshire is easier to get to than Watkins Glen? (Dont have the US map in front of me)

Finished watching this video this morning, subbed to SOUP when Andrew talked about it a couple years ago.  Looking forward to his next project.

Chopped onions.  Thats why im crying.  Yup. 

David Tracy's next Project Moab?

Friends were having their first baby last year(they want more) and her Suzuki Grand Vitara was on its last legs. They were considering getting an SUV and is said, “No. A minivan will be so much better. Please, just go and consider it.” And listed various reasons. A couple weeks later a Pacifica was in their driveway.

Disclaimer: Ipreviously worked for Tesla and they laid me off about a year ago. I have nothing positive to say about the company or their products anymore, so take all this with that in mind.

Try to get to Level 30 in The Division 2

None of this is suprising. Musk doesn’t care about people. He cares about his mission and he will dispose of as many people as he can to do that.

I enjoyed OnRush for a while, but the constant connection and balancing issues killed it for me. No fun when you get into a game right at the end, or the game crashes every 5 minutes.

I agree. I see it now:

I'll take it in Red, please!

Ah, but can he build it in a cave with a box of scraps?

Like it was mentioned innthe story, Dodgebhas created a Charger for Cup, but when there were no teams willing to run Dodges, Didge scrapped their stockstock car program.  If no teams want to run your stuff you cant force them too.  And funding your own factory team isnt cheap.

I see more of these than MkVs.