
Comprehensive insurance probably will though, subject to your deductible. I would assume that anyone with a brand-new $60K Jeep and an RV probably has decent insurance.

I want one of those as my car horn. People tend to not see me. Now I can blast them.

Once Tesla hears that you didn’t pay for the optional convertible package, you’ll be getting a bill in the mail.  

“Daddy, the top came off...”

You’d better call that Mini “Slammer” because it sure flipped that POG!

GM never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity

I wonder how long it will float?

Sounds perfect for DC, where traffic never moves faster than 25mph.

Wait a minute-you found a new Chevy Blazer in a barn???

Why is Gamora?

“I will fire any Barstool employee that does not engage in casual homophobia during regular business hours.” - Dave Portboy

Of course not - they were out of power.

And Nissans are nothing more than overpriced.

This car highlights why all those “tHe CoRvEtTe Is ThE bArGaIn SuPeRcAr!” tools frustrate the hell out of me. The Corvette was not intended to be a giant slayer, that’s not its nature. It is supposed to be a stylish vehicle with enough oomph to satisfy. It was to be seen in, and to be seen enjoying, just like this man

And who said that the Mercedes CLR would never get off the ground?

With their relatively low volume, They really can get away using the 3-4 unit car carriers that can be pulled by an F350 with a 5th wheel hitch. There are tens of thousands of those guys out there. at 5,000 units/month(if they sustain it), Its only 400 carriers a week. There are more efficient ways, but saying they