I had no idea he had thrown out all of her clothes and am further just fucking shocked that it was reported as “innocuous” and don’t wholly demented.
I had no idea he had thrown out all of her clothes and am further just fucking shocked that it was reported as “innocuous” and don’t wholly demented.
okay but look this is really cute
Nah she’s just smearing. She’s in sticky climbing shoes so she’s supporting her whole weight it just looks really wild. That said, a full-sized adult could probably get up there pretty easily without even twisting to the side like she has to.
I’m not trying to be pedantic but she’s wearing climbing shoes, which are sticky. Regardless, you can definitely climb that dumb wall.
I almost found it incredible that he was basically like “all of the many women I cheated on my wife with are just now lying and saying it was assault!” Dude, you’re just pointing out HOW MANY women have accused you of this and guess what you fucking turd it’s just unreasonable to think they are all lying. I just can’t…
I also recall reading this somewhere but can also anecdotally confirm this is a coping mechanism!
holy shit i never thought balloons would scare me so bad but here we are
Moar Possum News 2020
Was so with you until you said “street hood”
I just spat out my drinkable yogurt
Just read about this tiger attack and im so sad the tiger was shot like i’d attack those annoying teens too fuk
I was wondering that like this enclosure doesn’t seem at all prepared to hold a lion but also wtf do I know
I am young and I am hella energized for Warren. Young people seem to love her except the few blue-dog youngsters who will vote for anybody. Most of us are very, very excited for her!
Holy shit she is Lisa Simpson im crying
Polling from the Clinton impeachment showed it was massively unpopular tho. Even with Nixon nobody gave a shat until the thing was almost over.
The point of this is all a big exercise to get up to SCOTUS and see if Kavanaugh and Co. will do what the Republicans want them to and overturn Casey and Roe. I just hope people understand the big picture here.
GHW’s nickname was Rubbers lmao
Man the republicans have fallen so far
Is Mylie Cyrus trying to say that she loves unconditionally like loves do because???
I saw them years ago at a Bloomingdales and they were both very low-key and polite. I was going to say they seemed normal but I’m “normal” and my mother would fucking love to publicly comment on my dating life lol
The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.