Von Clyderdale: Exiled from Jezebel

I think it was Booker who said “you can’t sacrifice progress on the alter of purity” and he was talking about healthcare (which to me is more complicated) but that line applies to this gun debate extremely well.

I agree! I’m fine jumping through all the obnoxious hoops as long as I get affordable healthcare at the end of the day but as it is now, it’s tedious and intentionally confusing AND expensive! 

I feel like a failure bc I’m in my extremely late 20s and I probably only even wash my face like two times a week and never wear sunscreen.

Yea and Urgent Care even with insurance runs you like $100-$500! Oh, that minute clinic you went to said they accepted your insurance plan but omg whoops not that VERSION of it pls pay us $200 thank you! 

There were definitely a few sentences in that piece that I would have liked to rewrite for clarity but I’d say all together she is Fine.

I asked a kid with a trust fund the other day what he was going to do after he graduated from undergrad at 30 and he deadass told me he wanted to go back to school. I asked how he would make money to support himself and he admitted he’d never thought about it.

I am a Youth (not really, but around the same age as these women) and I became so fascinated by this story. The whole thing is just like watching some totally inept drama idk I am so here for it.

Don’t worry about your kid it’s so hard to be so vapid tbh

Somebody call Greta Gerwig

Edit: NO actually call Lena Dunham

My friend and I have this fantasy of making a fake-influence account bc honestly this shit seems so formulaic and boring? Jump in front of a sunset. Go for tea. Have a nice coat.

but why would someone publicize it?

Elizabeth Warren fought her ass off to start the The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which they then wouldn’t let her run because she’s too progressive. If that isn’t asf brutal then idk what is.

I bought the like 12 pack with all different colors and I want to buy at least three more fuck

Even as a child I could never understand why we decided that these words are “bad” and these other words that mean the same thing are okay? The power behind them is the power you give them and that’s all.

Yes but the skinny sharpie pens are good pens.

WHere is this gif pls?

I think I read this article through two full times and I’m not really understanding it. The show maybe more than the article.

I say just give the house to Lance Bass.

I am a big fan of eschewing factory farms and bringing back small, local farms. Yes, the price of meat would go up but that’s what it should be? I wouldn’t mind paying a lot more for meat if we were doing so to save the environment!  

This is my COTD

About a year ago I actually did stop eating meat because I didn’t want to promote factory farms. A few dropped pounds/headaches/realizing that my individual purchases don’t actually influence something as huge and systemic as factory farming later I eat meat again. I have no idea how any individuals can actually

What concerns me with the children thing is that your child’s goodness isn’t going to save them from dying of thirst when the top 1% controls all the water or whatever.