Much as I love taking care of outdoor strays, I’ll never provide another box which I can’t see into again. Last year we removed one box for cleaning and we got a surprise of a dead skunk inside.
Much as I love taking care of outdoor strays, I’ll never provide another box which I can’t see into again. Last year we removed one box for cleaning and we got a surprise of a dead skunk inside.
Winter, and even rainy spring, can be tough for cats who live outdoors. If you have a cat that spends most of its…
I mean, she talented, but talent-wise Lady Gaga mops the floor with Bey. Bey is more like a cultural phenomenon. She transcends the color line and is the queen of pop music in this era.
I wouldn’t wear anything marked “Trump” if they fucking paid me...
Made in China? But isn’t Trump gonna bring jobs to America?
I wonder how many people are buying these on clearance clothing and cutting out the tags.
This will likely have a huge impact on dozens of shoppers.
I’m sorry but drunk ppl annoy the fuck out of me. Good thing I quit drinking as I don’t need it to have fun. Bad thing is as one of the few sober ones I end up taking care of the dumb fucks when the night nears its end. Nowadays I just leave the drunk ones at the bar or just where ever they pass out. Surprisingly…
Alcohol makes me tired, and when I’m tired I’m grumpy. I don’t mind others getting drunk though, up to a point it is congenial, then funny, but then it morphs into pathetic.
Don’t buy a vehicle you can’t handle properly, perhaps?
Dude, stand on the tires, grab onto the roof rail, and wipe the snow like the big boy we all know you are.
If you can’t clear it off, buy a smaller car.
Then you bought the wrong vehicle. You made a choice to buy that 4Runner, that’s part of owning it! Granted, you don’t get a lot of snow, so it’s less of a pain for you, but it still needs to be done.
You’re just begging to get flamed to ashes here, HB.
I once watched a guy who didn’t properly clean the top of his car stop at a traffic light. All the snow slid off his roof, onto the windshield, completely blinding him. Don’t be that guy.
This is a tough one. I get it, there’s no law and people should be allowed to have their toys. But this thing as tall as the garage and sitting in the driveway. There’s an onus in society to not be a douche; he needs to find a way to move that thing out of his driveway and into the backyard. If you can afford a racing…
That’s not how it works. Most people don’t like trailers lurking in neighborhoods. The neighbors are going to lobby their representatives and the trailer will become a code violation. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but in a democracy, majority rules.
I see your POV, and on one level I agree.