In-n-Out is overrated. It’s okay, that’s all. I’d take Fuddruckers over that, any day. Also “secret” menus are obnoxious hipster garbage, either offer a product, or don’t.
In-n-Out is overrated. It’s okay, that’s all. I’d take Fuddruckers over that, any day. Also “secret” menus are obnoxious hipster garbage, either offer a product, or don’t.
I don’t understand the fascination. There was nothing that made them outstanding compared to any other chain.... MD’s and BK not included because... YUCK
I don’t have one near me to try. But the article and description lead me to believe that’s not an option. Just like the 5Guys Burgers joints that I DO have in my area, they cook it one way. Period. You are not allowed to ask for it grilled any other way than the way they grill it. I get the feeling In-n-Out, from this…
That is a correct assessment. I never understand why people pine for them, and will literally run into traffic. I grew up with them in the area and only ate there 3 times. The style of grilling them to death is not very tasty but I think what attracts people is the idea that you can order gonzo food (such as a 10x10)
Tonight three legends of swimming—Michael Phelps, Chad Le Clos, and László Cseh—turned in identical times to share…
Choo choo, follow the leader.
There’s an exercise craze sweeping Instagram: the chair traverse. It only takes a minute to do, and the only…
We don’t need ads about the stuff we’re/we’ve looking/looked for on the interweb.
Early this week, Facebook announced that it was taking aim at ad blockers to block them from working on the site.…
At 60... want to play euchre?
Seeing as how Nintendo will kill this in the time it takes me to write this comment, I genuinely wonder why the people who made this didn’t invest all that time into making their own original game, which they could actually sell. As soon as Nintendo sees this they will crush these guys’ hard work, so I kinda think...…
These are NOT noise cancelling...they are noise blocking because of the in ear buds. Noise cancelling means there’s active electronics to overcome ambient noise (a la Bose and others).
These are NOT noise cancelling...they are noise blocking because of the in ear buds. Noise cancelling means there’s…
isnt categorizing by humble bundle just as abstract? it relies no you remembering the game you are searching for is part of X humble bundle.
Yes, in the same way a person with only a few books doesn't need a bookshelf.
I have 640. I can confirm that your lack of understanding is due to lack of games. It becomes absolutely essential as your library grows.
I said this to a couple of people already, but I'll say it again: Don't assume that what's so easy for you is easy to everyone, or the way your mind works is the way everyone's mind should work. It's clearly a real problem, like people who use "password" as their password - "1234" as a PIN is just as bad. Shaming…
I wish you could have longer PINs.