“AAA”-tier game
“AAA”-tier game
Live service is a bane.
...Literally who?
Me on seeing the headline: “Who ARE these people?”
“Now, a lot of that sounds like a recipe for sexual harassment, but I (maybe?) get the spirit of what he’s trying to say—that co-stars used to have actual sexual chemistry, and that made watching their movies so fun.”
Whether you personally care for the added content or not is utterly irrelevant - it’s been part of those games for almost twenty years now.
Easy fix.. make more.
For VI in particular the SNES version has a ton of translation errors. I think the GBA version is the definitive version. I dunno why the pixel remaster had to make some new questionable changes.
Much prefer the blown-our pastels, they’re bizarre and ephemeral. The actual art is over-saturated.
I think it’s pretty hilarious that you can trick an AI into doing things just by telling it to pretend to be someone else.
These are basically fan art, not a playable game. Nintendo usually has very little problem with this kind of thing and I don’t see there being any C&D.
For a person going by the username “mrgoodbeer”, I’m surprised you’re not on board with this. Pretzels with mustard/cheese dip are a top-tier bar food offering these days.
I certainly won't knock anyone who thinks this is cool, but this is just another reason why I'll stay away from this game. Exploring content on my own time is important, and being drip fed extras just makes me want to not play it until they are 100% done adding things. Maybe I'm old, but I like complete products.
No, this is dumb. Fuck this.
This is...awful? FOMO is a huge problem for me, it’s one of the reasons I quit Destiny 2. Quit Division 2. Quit Overwatch. Quit Hearthstone. My broken brain won’t allow me to miss a season or event, and if I do—because IRL gets busy or another game comes out—then it’s over. There’s no catching up. I missed a…
Cool, so I’ll see you in a year when the price has dropped to $35 and all the content that should have been released day one is now available.
Maybe you could just lighten up and remove the stick up your ass?
But then you’re just left watching a really bad movie.
If you want to WATCH Rocky Horror watch it at home (it’s not very good). The whole point of going to a show is the audience participation and shad0w-cast.
Exactly. What's even more notable in regards to the bad faith critique of the original film is that Eric ONLY knows Ariel by her voice. It's the primary driver for him to the point that any woman that shows up with Ariel's voice gets the place in his heart. He falls for Ariel DESPITE her silence, not because of it.