
Funny, I’d bully kids for buying them. 

So why not just ban calls...? Quiet cars on trains already do it. 

...people totally do that though? 

Still dumb that they recast everyone in that show... Was right about the time I stopped watching. Partially due to age of course, but all the characters sounding unrecognizable certainly sealed the deal.

I mean it is definitely not hardly noticeable. 

ooo, that sounds excellent

yeah but with longer episodes they actually have MORE time than the cartoon. 

Come to PC~~~~~

lol it was so ridiculous in FFXVI that a boss would just drop everything it took to make a sword, so then you take all that to the blacksmith to make the new sword. ...why doesn’t the boss just drop the sword? I think there was a single chest in the game that actually had a sword in it, which was memorable for that

I actually assumed this had gone part and parcel with the eshop shutdown. 

Wait a couple weeks for the inevitable unnecessary remake?

I just don’t understand how all of those cookie-cutter call of duty games can keep up those kinds of sales year-in and year-out.

This pretty much covers it^

Seriously. I’m fairly introverted, but I have never felt compelled to have some involved conversation with a cashier... “Hi” and “Thank you, you too!” is the extent of it. What they definitely don’t do is scream “PLEASE PLACE THE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA” at the top of their lungs seven times when I’ve already done

that’s not because of video games, it’s because of busybodies calling cps if they see kids outside on their own.

Honestly I would have liked it better if it was Nostalgia The Game. It’s supposed to be a damn remake, after all.

But I’d still play it, the combat’s great and it’s still a joy to be in a 3D Midgar. 

oh fuck off that’s not even remotely similar. A phone obviously needs to be connected ot network to be a PHONE. A device playing an offline, single player video game does not.

And, for the record, I DO have games that work on my phone while not connected to the network. 

That bit where he said they have a product for customers without reliable internet: the Xbox 360, bowls me over to this day xD

Exactly. I don’t care that how ubiquitous our internet connection is, the inability to play an offline game without the internet is unacceptable.