
Final Fantasy Tactics had permadeath if you didn't get to a corpse in time with resurrection items or magic.

The Knack threatened to sue because it sounded too close to Sharona.

Given their success with the GaaS model with such bangers as Avengers, Outriders and now Babylon’s Fall, I’d say maybe the “make good games” path would make them more money.

Maaaan add that to the list, they made me not care about a game made by Platinum. 

Why are the microtransaction menus always so aesthetically painful to look at? Is this a deliberate choice or just laziness?

the moment I saw a review that mentioned that this was utilizing a cash shop, battle passes, AND had a fucking $50 price tag just to get in the door, I lost all interest in the  game. I hope whatever suit at SE thought this was a good idea chokes on it. 

Never has a game so swiftly torpedoed my interest upon starting it for reasons not related to the actual gameplay.

It doesn’t look like Fire Emblem at all, but alright.

I just wish it we got a new Final Fantasy Tactics game (or a remake of the (imo) borderline-unplayable first one) instead of this semi-RTS new IP.

The recently released TJRPG Triangle Strategy has surprisingly a lot going for it despite its terrible name, and how much it borrows from both FFT and FE while not going too far into either direction.

Granted, the game is about as cliché as a western fantasy theme done by Japanese writers, but it does a good job with

God god.

What fucking hell on earth.

Aeris is “the really kind girl who has superpowers and can heal everyone and make the world a better place,” while describing Tifa as “this sexy little thing … a thief in this short skirt.”

The whole trend of hiding headlights when they don't change the aerodynamics at all was stupid as hell.

I’m down with Team Sonic Racing. Passed on it when it came out as “Sonic and All Stars Racing minus the things you loved about those games", but for free, I can spend a week or so with it.

I’m just happy someone remembered that Armored Core exists. Now I just wish FromSoft would remember that.

Agree. Another one falls victim to the flat logo curse. 

Kirk Hamilton detected a disturbance in the force when Ari said to turn a HUD element on 🤣

Maybe they should climb a watch tower and scan the horizon for potential buyers to pop up on their map.

Arguably that’s because even the people writing the movies didn’t know what was going to happen next, or even who would be writing the next one.

There’s been an article on wordle almost every day, sometimes two in a day, since the end of january.

I guess I don’t even know what MMOs you’d be referring to. All the biggest and earliest that come to mind (RS, UO, EQ, WoW, SWOL, etc) were always not gender locked. But they were big budget games where the customization was the draw. What your describing sounds more like the early ARPGs like Gauntlet, Diablo et al.

The jerk store called.  They’re running out of him.