I remember reading that and just staring blankly at the screen trying to figure out what franchise he was talking about.
I remember reading that and just staring blankly at the screen trying to figure out what franchise he was talking about.
Ever since David O’Russell said “ This idea really turns me on that there’s a family that’s a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities ... [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice,” I’ve had very little faith in this film.
“I’m not sure when exactly this trend truly took off—I blame The Witcher 3’s “Gwent”—but every expansive open-world RPG these days apparently has to feature an in-universe board game of some sort.”
Everything NBC does to show the Olympics is the wrong decision. If there’s a choice to make, and one can be right and the other wrong, then NBC can be counted on to make the wrong one.
This is a rollercoaster of a headline.
This makes me wonder how long it will be before somebody deepfakes the entire Uncharted movie, and replaces Tom Holland’s face with Nate’s face from the games.
Mitsuda is one of the reasons why CT is an all-time classic, but he sure as hell cannot get battle themes right.
In a non-conspiracy theory take, it might be that their views dropped because uncomfortable/asshole folks stopped watching so the algorithm promoted it less...it generally prefers to push toward snowballing, which can result in the exact opposite if you have a sudden drop in viewers so it stops promoting the videos…
It also implies that non-white people are, unlike white people, deeply knowledgeable about and involved in the cultures of their origins. That just seems like self-serving nonsense. I have no reason to think that a person who is Vietnamese has a deeper knowledge of Vietnamese history and culture than a person who is…
That’s the Kobiyashi Maru of this. Do it like they did? Problematic as laid out. Do it like you said? Appropriation. Don’t do it at all? Erasure. There is no winning move here.
Yeah but there is no better that they can do. According to the author, the original cast is fundamentally incapable of doing right by any setting that isn’t traditional ‘European’ fantasy.
Isn’t it dough?
This reminds me of an anecdote from ancient history (2017 A.D.):
yeah man, racial progress will be made by enforcing kosher accent use and not like idk, dismantling racist institutions and power structures, abolishing poverty and the police, etc. you tell em dude
Is this meme cultural appropriation?
Golden handcuffs? AYSM?
Honestly, this is a good move. Want to know how to keep talented employees? Pay them. It’s that simple.
I’d guess the city government was already well aware and decided that they would hold that back until it was too late to start a big campaign to stop it, therefore securing around $300 Million in income for the workers and the local economy.
Wouldn’t a more appropriate headline be “Incompetent ship builder forgets boats must be taken to sea?” I imagine this isn’t a difficult situation to foresee if the bridge has been there nearly 100 years.