Why do the two Japanese console makers always resist this basic function so hard? I think this is Nintendo’s first time ever acquiescing, and Sony has for three straight console releases excluded them even though on the last two they eventually put them in anyway. I don’t get it.
There is entertainment value in having to work up to aspirational cars you want. It was plenty enjoyable to work towards your personal favorite car back in GT2. But they were all available, all the time for the amount of credits that they were set at.
There was no artificial time limits where only 5 cars are available…
If they expect me to always have an online connection to play their single player game, I should be able to expect the same of them.
The term “review bomb” only applies to user reviews. There’s no need to define it further.
Nah, the always-online requirement for single-player content is still a bullshit element worthy of scorn.
Are you suggesting that kotaku post articles about Ukraine? Howabout you go help society instead of wagging your finger on kinja
“wHo’s nOt aLwAyS OnLiNe tHeSe dAyS AnYwAy?”
So where are all the people handwaving the the always-online single player requirement because “who doesn’t have a stable internet connection today?”
Stewart Copeland is awesome, is the third essential fact you should know about him.
Make the game free-to-play, or drop the mtx, or get bent, Square.
Much preferred this approach to FE’s. It can still be difficult to get to them in time, but it mitigates the cheap death from a critical hit form some enemy who just joined the battle without warning.
No I’m not, you’re just changing the goalposts. I don’t think From Software is obliged to do anything they don’t want to in their game. I just also think the idea that the existence of an easy mode diminishes a game is ridiculous.
Glad kotaku picked this up. Definitely needs to be called out.
How is that argument distinct from “just don’t play the easy mode?”
Sounds to me like a lot of the issue is people conflating UI and UX. UI is part of UX. Elden Ring using different buttons to open and close the map is bad UX, but has nothing to do with UI.
land lubber*
I’m irrationally bothered by Tomoyo Asano’s inability to name his games, lol.
It’s specifically an analogy for consent because of way you have to obtain such when ordering pizza for other people. It’s not about using pizza to euphemistically refer to sexual acts.
I’m pretty sure they said they assume that most of the kids *have* seen it.