
A lot of ethnic minorities consider themselves White and are pledging the frat the way the Irish, Italians and Polish had to. Others are de facto White. Both these groups are so close to grabbing the brass ring they can taste it. They want all the upside of Black activism (beating back White supremacy) but absolutely

You’re right about the propaganda. I think people have always felt that USA bullies and intimidates much of the world and often starts violent conflicts with any country that has the temerity to say “no” to it, but I think the impression was that (for the most part) it took care of its own. The response to Hurricane

You are blowing my mind right now because I grew up in a developing country (high crime, in hock to the IMF, all that good shit), and my terrible public high school had a full-time nurse. I just assumed it was standard in the mighy USA...

Just that opening scene in the stash house alone put SOC on a different level - that shit was RIVETING!

I think your last paragraph gets at the heart of what makes this such a difficult conversation, and why it’s so hard to find the right words sometimes. A lot of people do the right things for the wrong reasons. Everyone thinks of themselves as a good person and wants to avoid confronting anything that challenges that

You are so right about the “head and shoulders” language people are throwing out. I’ve been saying this all over these threads for days, and I’ll say it again: if a Nirvana biopic of similiar quality to Straight Outta Compton was made starring Bradley Cooper as Kurt Cobain and Jennifer Lawrence as Courtney Love it

Love your username!

I don’t hold out much hope. Anyone who uses the term “patriarchy” on the regular and ignores insitutional racism is being wilfully ignorant.

What happened to the perpetrators? They were arrested and convicted, right? And they should have had state hate crime (if applicable) and federal civil rights charges added against them. The system worked. I don’t understand the connection you’re trying to make to the abuse of institutional power.

NOTHING in my comments to you spoke to anyone’s race. You are assuming that anyone who thinks the way I described has to be [insert the race YOU believe holds those views]. YOU are the one stereotyping. YOU are the one making assumptions because you don’t understand what institutional racism is. Institutional racism

Point out where I made any statement about your race? You can’t, because I didn’t. You made a lazy post in a conversation where people are obviously delving deeper into the issues of institutional racism. That’s on you. Don’t threaten violence for being called out on it and having to resort to inventing conversations


I think you’re sort of making the same point as the people saying Straight Outta Compton should have received more nominations: the film is not any worse than your usual Oscar-bait biopic. E.g., it is leaps and bounds better (waaay better script, better performances, better direction) than the horribly subpar American

“Sexism is about prejudice against women plus insitutional power, and men are the ones with the institutional power.”

Thanks! I honestly can’t anymore with people who should know better.

They don’t realize they’re the MRAs of discussions about race. No self-awareness, constantly derailing and making everything about them. “What about the Whitez?” = “What about the Menz?”

Forgot to add that people who believe “racism against whites” = “racism against [insert disenfranchised minority]” are to racism what MRAs are to sexism: ridiculous people making nonsensical, self-serving arguments to play the victim and protect their privilege.

So many people dying to equate some random Negro saying “Fuck Whitey” with a 400 plus year-old system of oppression that was enshrined in the Constitution. They’re not misspeaking. They really think it’s the same. And they’re out here foaming at the mouth when the “Fuck Whitey” hypothetical they love to toss out has

I’ve heard her talk about having been raped pretty brutally as a young adult, so I think she’s talking about victim blaming.

THIS. He’s not the problem; his mouth-breathing fans are. He’s embarassing because of what he’s revealing about America. That everyone is so shocked to find that yes, racism and all its cancerous consequences are alive and well just shows how naive and blind most people are to reality. Literally nothing about the