
Ben Carson is basically my Mom (who fittingly is a huge fan of his and routinely gives copies of Gifted Hands as graduation presents). His “Joseph built the pyramids to store grain” is exactly the kind of lunatic theory she’d think of, dicide was true, spout as fact then condescendingly dismiss anyone who gave her

Sorry I mixed you up with the OP. I think the intention behind trigger warnings is noble, but I think it’s become a way for some people to never be confronted with anything that makes them uncomfortable. The way it’s being used on college campuses seems like the pre-cursor to censorship to me. This book/film makes

I think trigger warnings are useful, and I think you should have put one up, but I don’t like the protestors’ confidence that they are the ones who get to determine what should be presented and how. The irony is that these are the same people who decry “tone policing.” Your approach is much more to the point and

Wow... That is not what I expected at all. She talks about him like he’s some kind of Adonis and she’s a bridge troll. :(

That first gif punched me right in the babymaker. And for that I thank you.

Gurl... Run and don’t look back! You don’t owe anybody your self-esteem.

I’ve been thinking along the same lines, and it is seriously bumming me out. A few months ago a columnist in England compared the refugees to fucking cockroaches - the same language that was used in the run-up to the genocide in Rwanda. I don’t know if it’s going to be WWIII, but some seriously ugly shit (mass graves

You probably can’t fix your friend. :( I say this as someone who basically has only a semi-cordial relationship with my mother and younger sister for the same reason. Born-again/evangelical Christianty is a toxic belief system that mass produces terrible human beings... Your friend is in a cult, and that feeling of

They would have thought Jack the Ripper was on the loose again if I tried to get down like that...

Yup. Her not being typical arm candy/trophy wife material seems to really piss some people off. I think a lot of the writers for these magazines had good liberal arts educations and used to have big dreams for themselves (sort of like how Rachel in unREAL was a women’s studies major). Her professional success AND

:( All this makes me sad...

Black woman writer here too. Finishing up my novel and am seriously considering just doing the initials last name thing. Or using my last name as my first name (it’s one of the English names that works as both first and last). Sigh...

A lot people are going to come for you because deep down they know it’s true, and that they’re guilty of it. The lion is that mythical “perfect” victim that they can’t impeach. A unarmed Black teenager must have done something to provoke Officer Friendly (who is always given the benefit of the doubt), but the lion was

I remember Chris Rock saying that a black comedian who only as funny as David Spade would never have made it. That’s how I feel about Amy Schumer. She’s a mediocre talent who is getting propped up in the name of body positivity - the racism and everything else just gets hand waved away because feminism is for white

This is part of my problem with her (besides the racisim). I know humor is subjective, but I just don’t understand why texting a man you don’t know know pretending to be his wife (whom you barely know) and saying you want anal tonight is funny. Seriously... Why is that funny?

PREACH! They would have cut Larry the Cable Guy’s nuts off for even getting within shouting distance of that kind of racism. After all the stanning for her started, I checked out her comedy and knew the racism was just under the surface and waited (not very long) for it to come out. #feminismisforwhitewomen

American Hustle was poorly paced, bizarrely cast and just boring. There was trouble with the stream I was watching it on, and even though it was entering what was clearly the denouement, I didn’t care enough to reload it.

What in the actual fuck...

I always maintained the the first season of True Detective was overrated. I enjoyed it, but I found it overwritten and sophomoric much of the time. People thought they were watching a different show that would have some kind of big reveal, and they got sucked into trying to figure out the “clues”. What made the show

I think benefitting from white supremacy and not being able to cop to that is a sign that someone is an undercover racist. On some level they believe they deserve all the extras they get. That’s why I don’t like all the digs at the South. It’s easy to point at them and call them “country”, but a lot of the time it’s