
The Olympics haven’t been for amateur athletes in decades

I have a great relationship with the women. Ask anybody OK? I know thousand and thousands of women and believe me, not all of them were bangable.

YES. I’m even irritated when people talk about, say, sexual assault, in terms of “think about how you would feel if this were your sister”. No. Think about ME, HUMAN WOMAN. Empathy shouldn’t be reserved only for women who play specific roles in your life.

Preach. I have said this a million times this election year (feels more like an election decade, amirite?), women are not a special interest group, we are half the population!!!!

Trump runs same exact ad ending with “Americans for Trump”, wins another primary.

Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."

This will only encourage his supporters, as they’ll find it humorous and the women featured undesirable. His lot have no use for women anyways... it’s truly a shameful moment in history that we’ve come to this

“Hey look how Trump talks about women. Despicable smh. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to donate funds to Scott Walker so we can restrict women's rights. "

You see that ad with all those ugly broads repeating my statements?! Not one of them was as bangable as my daughter Ivanka.

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

Trump response will probably along the lines of “none of the women in the ad are attractive.”

Rushdie is a prick.

Endometriosis is no joke. I’ve had 5 surgeries and even had to go on FMLA due to recovery. But, literally, no one took it seriously except my doctor. My boss scoffed at me, my husband had a hard time understanding, and my family was just confused. I think it may be because people think “it’s just cramps” and that

oh man, god forbid a women you are romantically involved with doesn’t want to fucking be a background figure..she was in the public eye before him and motherfucker didn’t think she would want it to stay that way since it is basically her job?? sounds like he is describing himself through her.

How dare she want to have an equal share of the light. Imagine competing with him instead of just admiring his genius and feeling lucky he chose her. What a total bitch. /s

Essentially 0.

Given her social, political, and financial status, the chances of her “being carted off to jail” even for the most egregious of crimes is very low.

I’m not a fan of formal suspenders.

i bet you a sweater, an honorary degree and pudding pop it could.

From what I can tell from my time there, people thought he was a bit weird and a bit of a loony, but there being actual meat to the allegations was a shock; they thought it was just easy jokes and low hanging fruit for poking a bit of fun at an eccentric. The big shock, according to my UK friends, was the Rolf Harris