If you graphed my enjoyment of the two shows it would be two inverse slopes, and I don't have to tell you which one's which.
If you graphed my enjoyment of the two shows it would be two inverse slopes, and I don't have to tell you which one's which.
Yeah but he's basically saying water is wet, nobody in their right mind would think of preemptively attacking North Korea. That's the whole reason they developed nukes in the first place; not to start bombing countries willy-nilly, but so nobody would invade them. All the talk about attacking Guam is just posturing…
I could watch this show every week for the rest of my life.
I think it also helps if you've seen "A Cock and Bull Story", which this series is pretty much a continuation of.
Eh, I think everyone was already aware that Sam Simon was a bit of an asshole. You kind of have to be to instil the insane work ethic that writers' room got by on in those first few years, which led directly to the quality of writing.
iTunes sorts numbers at the end of the alphabet for some reason.
Dude that's not how you Candlejack. You say his whole na
Radio Shack, it's the technology store.
Google "Mary Ann Bernard".
There we go, turns out I'm not crazy. This guy seems to have a very specific area of interest.
I swear he's done one of these before, and one of the videos he mentioned was the one where that black woman teaches you how to give a blowjob. Was that a different Parks & Rec writer? I'm having wicked deja vu here.
Dude, Clayton, are you for real?
No mention of Tetris? Shameful.
Sentences. Why would I say
The A.V. Club
One of those shots that you just can't even fucking believe you're seeing even when it's happening right there on the screen in front of you.
Bryan Fuller was feverishly taking notes.
How'd it get there?
I never get why people say season 2 sucks until Earle shows up. I always thought he was a dumb character clearly devised by people desperately trying to do something "Lynchian" and failing.