It's so terrible. Apart from the amazing opening scene. They tried to extrapolate from that point and just went in all the wrong directions.
It's so terrible. Apart from the amazing opening scene. They tried to extrapolate from that point and just went in all the wrong directions.
Are you saying a cheesy power ballad was not the appropriate soundtrack to a scene of Francis Dollarhyde fucking?
What the fuck?
I mean, if an artist has a reputation for being difficult I basically don't even want to know about them or their art. It's too upsetting.
Because some unidentified source said he's a bit of a jerk.
Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.
"someone who's just different enough from you to get out out of your shell, out of your rut, and experiencing wonderful new things you'd never imagined because you were too afraid or apathetic to even try"
I agree with your dad's assessment, and I'm nowhere near 70; I loved the movie despite only understanding about 20% of the dialogue.
Huh, we watched the same two movies in high school.
I would be willing to bet that a very large percentage of these kids were bullied in school. You have it backwards; bullying doesn't discourage anti-mainstream subcultures, it's the source of them.
I'd like to get in the hall of that mountain king.
There's not a whole lot of compression going on in 320kbps anyway. Anyone who says they can distinguish between that and FLAC is a lunatic.
Did your account get hacked?
Well, as long as it got you to start taking showers.
"Does it ever work?" I'm guessing you've never seen Arrested Development.
Yes. A lot of people have trouble with season 1 because of the abrasiveness of the characters, but I would say seasons 2 and 3 are up there with my favourite seasons of TV ever.
I can't believe they let Crow write a sequel to Earth vs. Soup.
Tell that to the people who make the Deus Ex trailers.