
It's probably the plastic slip covers she removed before the pix were taken.

What makes me feel like a man: picking up really heavy things; getting paid what I'm worth; not having to worry about going out alone after dark.

Well she *is* in college, you pedant/spoilsport/dreamcrusher.

this is a man who is working to stop me from getting married and paid for commercials that imply I'm a pedophile. That sounds like someone who is out to get me. The work he did isn't just a political dispute, it's a direct attack on me. Why would I tolerate it? It's like saying I should tolerate a punch in the face.

yep, me too

Yes. If you sound like a child, male or female, I have a hard time taking you seriously.

Spend a week on Degobah and looking for some strange you will be.

If she thought she had friends she could depend on, she probably would've been living with them instead of her car.

If you've never met a woman with whom you can talk about a variety of interesting, engaging topics, you've either been extremely sheltered or you're not good at conversation.


This is dumb. People are better about washing their hands than they are about changing gloves—you can't feel the grime on gloves. Americans are paranoid about germs.

"Kim Kardashian was in Tyler Perry's Temptation"

I picked Advil because while Oxy is, of course, an insanely good pain reliever, it's also hard to come by and you can't take it in the middle of the day at work (at least I can't). So Advil got my vote for sheer practicality.

I am currently drinking Guinness so the choice was clear.

This story, relayed in an accessible but compelling manner, offers surprising insight into the human condition.

Anyone who picked Franzia over Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA, GET OUT. 90 Minute is the Nectar of the Gods.

I love pugs and French Bulldogs.

Yeah, I've gotten random comments from people on FB when I commented on a company page, but no one harassing me. Who has time for that? And who sits there and watches the page and is like "ZOMG NO ONE CURES ABOUT YOUR COMPLAINT"

You had my interest at otter, and my attention at rampage.

Yeah but those are punishments that God made happen, not punishments enacted in the name of God by man. I'm pretty sure there's something big in there about not killing.