
I wish that would happen.  Hearing about the police dropping the investigation made me wonder why we even try to get the rich and powerful anymore.

That’s what I thought too?!

We were at the Open Championship at St Andrews a few years back and one of the big screens panned over to Prince Andrew walking up the fairway.

Whereby a few tables over, some local shouts at the top of his lungs “Oi, get your arse back on this side of the c***ing fence like the rest ay us.”

I’m not sure it was the

I love how someone in Kensington tried to brief the media to get some easy PR for Workshy and still somehow managed to fuck it up.

Yeah she’s not doing any childcare whatsoever with those nails.

I lived in Oak Park for a while, a very rich suburb literally across the street from some of the poorest parts of West Chicago and with the exception of River Forest, surrounded by very poor neighborhoods like Maywood and Berwyn. BERWYN!* They try very, very hard to promote diversity and inclusion, but my experience

Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.

Texas is a failed state. I’m sooo incredibly sick of these fucking idiots being allowed to pull this shit. ENOUGH. To bad he was allowed to walk away from the scene.

“Just asking questions” right?

The Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance began by genuinely seeking ways to treat Covid-19 prior to the development of a vaccine with the stated goal of trying to minimize death until the vaccine was finished.

Well you seem to have opted for posting an out of context conclusion from a bad study instead of following the money trail.

The debunking of these studies has been out there and widely reported for months. Seldom as specifically as SBM gets to it, but 30 seconds of googling would have told you neither the study, nor

Cool strawman you set up to argue with. I always appreciate when people acknowledge up front that their argument is so fucking stupid that they could only win it with an imaginary person who can’t respond.

What study was used? Also, the two studies that did show any benefit have been pulled, as those studies have been shown to be falsified, and basically then made the meta analysis studies bunked. One study, the first introduction was completely plagiarized. And, in both studies, the “scientists” couldn’t produce the

The clearest evidence of a death cult yet.

Also, the whole mask-mandate thing a bit contrary to the untold billions spent by govt’s and corporations in recent years on *actual tracking* via facial recognition tools.

I know it’s weird to latch on to one thing in this sea of crazy but I genuinely don’t get the fear of tracking. Dude, unless you don’t own a smartphone your minute-by-minute location data is already available for sale, legally, on the open market. Isn’t it a bit late to worry about that?

She's probably just afraid someone will steal her lower lip. Clearly, someone got the upper one.

They should make her register as a sex offender. I’m serious.

If it was an athletic scholarship they have been replaced and are not useful to the school any longer.

She’s trash. Horrible.