
What were the nicknames? 

Andrew. Although Uncle Edward is no prize either. 

Did you buy that gentleman (I assume it was a man) a drink? I assume there was a line of people who’d want to. 

Yet another reason it is tragic  that he lost his mother so young. She wouldn’t have let him be like that. 

He also seems to have a history of “shady business dealings” which they have no problem with. I’ve never paid much attention to the royal family beyond Diana and her sons, unless watching The Crown counts. Has he always been just an overwhelming prick or as he ever been viewed positively?

So, really loose joints are to blame here? I know it can be a painful condition, but even that doesn’t clarify how it is even remotely relevant. 

I’m just sitting here with the information that there are Taco Bells in Mexico at all. In the Netherlands, Burger King exists almost exclusively in train stations and has the low low standards of “well, what else you going to get?”. 

Yup. I live in the suburbs, so I needed a “travel system”. A car seat that would click in and out of a base that was installed in that car and would then click into a stroller base, which lived in my trunk. This was useless for my friends in Manhattan.

Spending loads on a car seat does not guarantee a better or safer car seat. All the car seats on sale through reliable retailers are going to be safe. The things that have mattered on car seats for me: cup holders (all sorts of stuff gets stashed in there) and a cover that you can remove without uninstalling the car

I have a family member who went this route but eventually gave it up. Like McGowan, he claimed that he had long felt this way but didn’t feel safe saying so. This was a straight, white, Christian male in northern Florida. 

Someone who has positioned herself as a strong feminist stumps for a guy who preaches misogyny. Makes sense. 

That seems to be Global Citizen’s whole thing. Feel good about yourself entertainment without any real results except some vague “awareness”. 

My friend is an RN in a cancer ward and is applying for jobs elsewhere because she can’t deal with the anti-vax crap she gets from colleagues and patients. Unsurprisingly, these nurses are intense Trump supporters, saw nothing wrong with the Jan 6th attack, and follow a lot of rando conspiracies. 

Exactly. What the fuck else kind of nonsense are they engaging in at work? 

He was my first crush and I am so relieved that he has held up as a good person. 

He did talk a lot about him looking like a child as an adult, so that might be the confusion.

I’m not a sleep through my alarm person ever and was wondering if I’d finally gotten tired enough to sleep through my alarm.

I’ve seen this in my husband’s family having carried well into adulthood. It’s so hard to watch, especially as it is starting to impact the siblings’ respective children.

Trying to mess with Trader Joe’s delightful syrah-soaked wine?

Yup. It has long been a very Latino area. My mom went to this high school and at that time, there were: white kids, first or second generation American Latinos, and many many many generations American Latinos. She’s pretty sure there were no black kids at her school. Not just in her classes or year, but at all.