
As a mom of someone who has Autism this pisses me off. If my child was sending crap like this, he would face my WRATH and would not be given access to the internet till he could act correctly. Also Autism doesn't cause you to do crap like this, being a dick does.

She appeared in the flesh on Today this morning, dressed (as ever) in Princeton colors.

I'd love to know what she means, exactly, by "work will wait". Like, no, you don't have to dedicate yourself singlemindedly to your career at the age of 22, but you can't in fact fart around and/or not work for very long without hurting your prospects, and it usually takes some hard work to get into a good financial

I can't wait to see one of these where the brides reaction is like "What the FUCK?"

Although not relevant to this post, can someone please clarify is she is carrying a turkey or a ham?

You are my frickin hero. Fill it with BUTTERSCOTCH pudding and I will be at one with the universe.

I was realllllly excited until I got to the price tag. I guess I'll stick with my everyday miracle of turning $9 into wine at the store.

"Fed up with slutty Girl Scouts?"

You'll Never Believe How To Block Things On Your Facebook Timeline!

Hey now, don't bash 'em until you tried 'em.

That image provided with the article is pretty ridiculous. No one looks that happy on the table in stirrups. Ever. Even when it's good news.

Alternate explanation:

A photographer is a person who takes photographs. A photo series is a series of photos. She wasn't referred to as a photo-journalist, or a professional photographer, so I'm not sure why you are so butthurt.

My couple name for Cara and Michelle is CARACHELLE which sounds like carousel, but drunk. Love you guys.

It does look like a colonial girl! Maybe she's there to churn butter for all the muffins.

I'd be utterly pleased about the high rise movement but my torso is short. I have a pair of "ultra low rise" jeans that pass for regular rise. >_>

There can be only one silver fox.