
Craft services, mostly. (That is the only reason I wanted to get into movies.)

It's not necessarily about people knowing what the kid looks like, it's about the trauma of having strange people following, shouting at, and shoving a camera with bright flashing lights in the face of a child. Blurring out their faces wouldn't solve that problem.

I keep reading it as "management"

That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Who in the hell do these fools think they are? Stick to reality TV stars, In Touch. You're aiming way above your pay grade here.

Are you talking about how they dared to criticize Dolly Parton?? Because I agree. There are some lines you just don't cross.

I noted the same thing yesterday. Alas, we're both stuck in the grey, and people seem to be more consumed with OUTRAGE...that is misdirected at Allure and their writer. Sigh.

Seems like you don't have ANY argument except replying to people and saying they should find better things to do.

Yeah I don't think the problem in the UK was that people didn't like a wife to be working, more that they specifically wanted Victoria Beckham to stop trying to be a singer. At least in the US she'd given up on the solo singing career and become a nebulous fashion business person.

Oh, wow. I definitely drank at Mars Bar a few times. It was phenomenally nasty, and calling it a dive bar would be an insult to dive bars. The last time I was there, I saw a homeless man hammer a nail into his urethra.

According to Goldey, the anonymous person had told someone, "I don't want my kids around those kinds of people."

I always suspected the entire runs of Sex & The City and How I Met Your Mother could be condensed into two minutes.

The worst part about all these crappy "chocolate diamonds" is the ugly-ass settings they put them in. Yours is lovely!

I think the bigger offense is that these gifts suck. I can't imagine when I would ever use that mirror. :/

It makes your poop glamorous.

You realize that them being whiny little rich fucks and the company doing a shitty job on the pipe at the fucking Olympics are not mutually exclusive right?

"Look at the lift on Johann Eisenheimer's scrotum! He's going to get a good 50 foot bonus!"

This is awesome. There's this great, no-kill shelter in my state that's run by volunteers. On their birthdays, a lot of kids ask for dog and cat food in lieu of presents, and have a volunteer party at the shelter (walking dogs, feeding, giving love). I think this is such a cool idea, and it warms my heart that

You kids with your memes and gifs and jifs and internet!

Now THIS is the kind of dog-friend this squirrel needs...

Don't worry; the judges will give her the bronze even if she finishes fourth.