
I was just thinking, on a fairly boring DL x-country flight last week, how cool it would be if we had a PED channel that just showed this display from the cockpit. This is exactly what I wanted!! The synthetic terrain would be a bonus! Couple that with live ATC (like UA's channel 9) and I'd really, really dig flying.

I like it when we kill bad people. ISIS is horrible; we should be celebrating.

But that would be wrong. Contrails don't come from the wings, they come from the engines.

This is the stuff I've been hoping for about 20 years or more, it would be nice to be able to look around outside with a 360 degree ball lens.

"You kids get off my lawn!"

helicopters beat the air into submission..

I've heard the old joke a million times that helicopters don't really fly - they're just so ugly the earth repels them. The same could be said for the Beluga. (and Super Guppy)

As an American I want to apologize for our politically correct Government for leaving you hanging out there after the first Gulf War against Saddam. We should have protected you better.

No San, Thank YOU and your people for being stalwart in the face of evil! Here in the US one of the few things we can universally agree on is that the Kurdish people are deserving of all the help we can provide. Hopefully some day soon there can be a true and lasting peace for a people who have earned it many times

It's an honor to support those who love their country and fight to defend it.

The Apache is no comparison to the Mi-28 (or the Ka-50/52). The Mi's and Ka's rule the military chopper world for now. Apache is a relic, don't embarrass yourself while trying to do a comparison. With all due respect, and I'm an American!


thank you very much my friends for your kind and thoughtful words

I have tons of respect for the Peshmerga troops. May the German weapons and equipment help them to stop the IS terror regime.

Glad we spent nearly 2 trillion dollars there just to see them buy Russian crap... Should have sold them old Cobra's at a discount.

Should have built a new battleship out of that steel and named it New York (Battleships were usually named after States, so it would have worked) Out fit the thing with all sorts of new tech like rail gun cannon and freakin' lasers so it can rain holy hell down on the enemy. Its presence alone would make you crap

Every time I see this bike it seems much more like an homage to Priss's from BGC than Kaneda's.

If it doesn't have ceramic double rotor two wheel drive then I don't give a shit.

Your move, Suzuki. Let's build this thing: