
Yes, we do. The astronauts on one of the Mars bases or on the Phobos base would've let me know if we had a base on Earth's moon.

No discovering that O'Neill's lake doesn't have any fish in at?

Absolutely one of the best Stargate episodes, definitely THE best comedy episode.

When Amanda Tapping was auditioning for the role, she ad libbed that line, and it's what got her the job.

"Window of Opportunity" possibly best light hearted sci-fi episode ever

I have just spent the last five minutes laughing out loud. And now I'm angry.

I always found that SGA episode where Rodney and Shepard accidentally make themselves gods by playing a video game, and then visit the planet, to be hilarious.

I love the many SG-1 in- joke references to Jack's affinity for female celebrities, specifically Mary Steenburgen!

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This is always going to be my favorite SG-1 clip. I was watching this on Netflix (I didn't watch the last season when it aired so the family caught up on it recently) and I had to rewatch this like 10 times. =D

Oh yes! I forgot. He wass such a ham, and it works so well with the SG-1 cast!

"Window of Opportunity" was the episode that hooked my best friend.

Teal'c eating ice cream? It's in a few episodes and pretty funny.

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Personal favorite of mine, not on this list: Urgo. Dom DeLuise is beloved for a reason.

Gotta say; Patrick McKenna and John Billingsley were casted Brilliantly for those two roles.

My late grandmother was actually the one who got me into SG-1, way back when the third season was in syndication on a local station.

Stargate was always good for a laugh with the exception of the first season of SGU.

"Window Of Opportunity" is the whole reason the Wife and I got hooked on SG-1. From that day forward we devoted our lives to catching up to that point and being faithfull Stargate fans, until SGU which was OK, but nothing even close to SG-1 or SGA.

Ah, thanks for the reminder. Good times. The chemistry between the original cast of SG-1 is really something that has never been recreated, that is what I miss the most about Stargate in general.

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The Other Guys is another hilarious episode. I can't find the "How can one be a scientist and NOT worship at the Altar of Roddenberry!!?!" clip, but this one is just as funny.