
Everybody acts like he woke her up 5 minutes after he discovered his predicament.

I was given the first three books for Christmas by family friends when I was in my mid-teens. Best gift I’ve ever been given.
Took me about a year to get through the first one, largely due to the frequent trips to the glossary, but the next two went by much quicker.

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My Dad took me to see it for my 8th birthday. Really loved the tunnel chase sequence, which is probably why I went bonkers for Steve McQueen’s Le Mans, later that year.

“...introduce Jordan to his holo-grandad”

You could kinda tell the production crew are fans of The Expanse.

Wow! 243 replies, and not ONE word about the crappy “ornithopters”!

You’re thinking of the fanedit by Spicediver:
DUNE: The Alternative Edition Redux

Confession time: My Dad was an Art Director for TV during the “Musical Variety” era (Smothers Brothers, Flip Wilson, etc.).

Well, from the minute I saw the “Anatomy of a Squid” poster on the schoolroom wall, and then when it rained baby squid on the cars, I was happy.

Not to be confused with the excellent 2007 documentary about the Apollo program.

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“This better not awaken anything in me.”

Saw it Opening Day at Grauman’s Chinese, and there was thunderous applause after each action set piece.

DST ruins the perfect symmetry of the Equinoxes, when the Sun should rise at 6am and set at 6pm. Under DST, we get 7am rise and 7pm set. That’s just wack.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,

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Still can’t believe crap like Future Cop & Small Wonder managed to get a DVD release, but apparently, Mann & Machine never will.

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Art was also a Ham operator, so he understood all about Electro-Magnetic phenomena. He could really hold his own with physicists on discussions of parallel universes and such, like the night he had on Prof. M.R. Franks...

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Absolutely squeed when Beebo did that Bruce Lee beckoning and then the kiai...