It sounds like they are riffing on Indiana Jones by way of Tales of the Gold Monkey.
It sounds like they are riffing on Indiana Jones by way of Tales of the Gold Monkey.
Great article David. I hope this raises the awareness of a growing problem in not just the Air Force, but also the Naval and Marine industries, pipelines and nuclear power plants. BTW, in case you don’t know, I’m the Ph.D. mentioned above. Let me share some pictures with you guys so you can get an idea of what…
You guys are really bugging me out.
That’s not germ main to this post.
You broke the mold with that pun
I bet the guy who sent you that report is a fungi to be around....
I’m on the fence about this game. I really want to pull the trigger on it, but...I also play Elite:Dangerous. I the vast exporation of endless space thing and one of the things I really liked about E:D was the fact that going beyond the bounds of occupied space...the extent of humanity’s…
I think what you may be looking for may be in Star Citizen and its associated games.
This game sounds downright terrible! The fact that you left dissatisfied after putting 30 hours into your first run and didn’t start somewhat enjoying it until your second play through tells me all I need to know about this game. I’ve also read plenty of other reviews for this game from both critics and individuals…
The longer I watch this SpaceX thing unfold, the more I believe that Elon Musk might just not be crazy. If this technology can be done reliably, it can be scaled up immensely - as in, scaled up to 4,000+ tonne multi-core rockets, with completely reusable first stages. Depending on design and the addition of a little…
Top Gear = TG.
Every time I get reeled back in, I remember in hours that it is not solo friendly in the end. Even here, instead of players just warping in to battle and each individually choosing their own targets, players need to min/max and choose one target to focus fire on... I hate that. No room for the individual to have their…
I’m missing the days when we had full sized interceptors at sea.
Kenny Block rolled it too.
This is exactly it. Not once did I ever tune in to TG (this version of it) because I wanted an honest-should-I-buy-this-car review. I wanted to see a caravan set on fire. I wanted to see Robin roll itself in to a canal. I wanted to see May’s stupid shirts.
If you see a British car, and it’s not leaking oil, of course it’s been tampered with!
Former Stig speaks!
I’d reply with a witty comment, but I was killed riding on an enclosed elevator in my running Peel P50
LeMans is a terrible movie. Almost as bad as Garner in Grand Prix. I can’t abide the cartoonish melodrama, it’s practically Roger Corman schlock. That said, I will watch it any time.
I'm really loving this game, and a lot of it has to do with the adherence to the visual style cues from the original movie.