Yep, first word out of my mouth when I read that synopsis: "Conundrum".
Yep, first word out of my mouth when I read that synopsis: "Conundrum".
Yeah, that's why I love watching the more futuristic Animé titles: really great architectural and hardware design ideas.
Man, that literally took my breath away! I mean, the Eiffel Tower sequence in the last film was impressive, but this...
Yeah, we shut down the Shuttle program largely because of the excessive mortality rate.
Yeah, I never realized that until Robert J. Sawyer mentioned it in his novel, Hominids.
I missed the live announcement, so I'm hoping they'll post it to YouTube later.
Great episode! Best opening lines ever...
And yet a show that I can't stand more than 5 minutes of continues to sweep the awards that rightfully should go to Community.
"The idea of having Abed act out everyone on the Dreamatorium (along with a weird mix of voices for a split second) was just so great and they actually pulled a good story out of it."
I usually go into the stairwell of my building. Let the cleaning crew sweep it up!
I did that on the bus once... when there was almost nobody else on board... and those others were properly dispersed, so they couldn't see what I was doing.
Yep, I've had those clippers for about 20 years (Got 'em at Brookstone), and they still cut perfectly!
"Wonder how much of a part she played in that ..."
"When you compare her to a truly cute nerd girl like allison Haislip you can see the difference"
Comedian John Caparulo has a whole bit about getting bit by a swan when he mowed grass at a golf course...