He looks like what would happen if your barber found out that you slept with his wife
He looks like what would happen if your barber found out that you slept with his wife
Baby boomers weren’t old enough to vote until the 1968 election so I’m going to go ahead and guess they had nothing to do with the 1964 Civil Rights Act that was passed when the oldest boomers were in high school.
Field tests are insanely unreliable when it comes to false positives, and there’s a good reason for this - cops don’t care about false positives AT ALL, all they care about are false negatives, because a false positive lets them arrest and charge you, then when it turns out the test was wrong, they let you go no harm…
Fuck the police
I’m not even remotely sorry to have hurt all your feelings. Guess which generation raised these assholes and instilled these beliefs?
Did he line up to kick the PAT? Because that would make this even cooler.
I’ve said it on this site before, and received a ton of shit for it, and I’ll say it again; our world is going to be better off when the baby boomer generation is wiped off the map. All these old white dudes are fucking up absolutely everything and their views are antiquated and racist. Fuck ‘em all.
Dahmer was a really nice guy. I didn’t agree with his necrophilia and cannibalism but he was a hell of a chemist and cook. - Stephen Ross
Good thing he has rugby hands
That’s the QB’s fault. You’re supposed to hit the guy in the breadbasket with the ball in your hand, not throw it in that general area.
Also, everybody knows he was on a break from promoting equality when he scheduled the Trump fundraiser.
That is 100% the QB’s fault.
I know I’ll get some hate for it, but I’m going to defend Ross again. He’s really not as bad as people say. Sure, he can be annoying at times, and he’s a little quirky. But his physical comedy is unmatched. After the initial mopey stage he really turned it around and I started rooting for him. And he ended up with…
“Creating Jobs and growing our country’s economy”.
Sadly, it’s a leadership skill that can’t be taught. Adding 17 to stuff is just an ability you have to be born with.
It’s actually 17 additional yards from the LOS when you take the endzone distance and how far back the holder is from the center. Not to take the wind out of your sails - I would hope any coach could do the math anyway*
I can figure out real quick how far a field goal kick is from the spot of the ball
Can we PLEASE refer to him all season as Matt “I’m really good at math right now” Nagy?
This entire story line makes me want to die.