Climate Rage

Except he didn’t say that. Go read the actual full text of the speech and you’ll see the context was that he could raise taxes on them and they’d still be rich which is why they need to pay more taxes for a more equitable society. It’s really like you people woke up yesterday and don’t seem to understand that the

But Ian is just sooooo tired. It’s sooooo exhauuussting trying to get like... quotes right and stuff. Uhhgghhhh

God damn what a wild ride it must be to think like this.

YUUUUUPPPP. The whole “lesser of two evils” BS holds a lot less weight when your kid is in a cage, or your house is on fire because of climate change, or your father died from COVID (as mine did in April). And if someone doesn’t like it, I don’t really give a shit - just because you’re privileged enough to whine about

Thank you. You articulated incredibly well what I was feeling but couldn’t put into words.

Cool. Now tell us how lawn signs represent the emptiness of his campaign. They say even less and are easier to set up! Shocking! You should write for the Intercept. Greenwald loves this uninformed navel gazing stuff.

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

Ian really sounds like a Kremlin agent in this article.

Holy shit this is out of touch as fuck Ian. I wanted Bernie too but lol at the Biden campaign not having any substance. You’re obviously not keeping up with shit, cause there are a lot of progressive social and economic positions be addressed along with climate. The AC island is pretty dumb but get the fuck out of

There is nothing saltier than the that poured by angry Bernie Bros.

You know, I would be a lot more on board with Biden skepticism if it was powered by actual concerns and not baldfaced lies like this:

What surprised me even more about Biden is that he apparently seems to genuinely want to go after Trump with charges and investigations post-election. I honestly thought he would go the whole “we need to heal” route and just pre-emptively pardon him to just make him go away... but it seems as thought that may not

Yep, I haven’t tasted this much salt since getting a mouthful of Galveston saltwater from when I was a kid *puke*

I’m not a huge Biden fan. But Trump is a lying, selfish, racist jackass that must be stopped. So not a hard choice for me.

Hey Siri, how do you unread an article?

Biden can’t say much considering his coalition is so fragile, we still have to endure this holiday season with the lame duck administration, and we continue to endure the presence of far too many Boomers in this country. But the sun is setting on their horrific era, an era that was handed the keys to utopia but

I know, right? How dare Biden’s campaign put some apparent thought and care into making a neat Animal Crossing island. <rolls eyes>

It’s like how campaigns used to make Second Life HQs - it’s neat, but ultimately kind of silly. What it does is show that the campaign at least considers a particular segment of voters as

Oh, for... This is a ridiculous article.

The Biden campaign made a cheery and silly Animal Crossing island. It’s neat. It will change few minds (and it shouldn’t) but it’s a nice, silly diversion.

I’m sorry you’re tired (we all are, because Holy Shit this administration) but this whole article is like a festival of

I see something like this and think nothing of it. A vote for Biden isn’t a vote for someone any American is excited about, but instead a vote against the orange buffoon. 

Biden’s platform includes...