“Packers nation is a cul-de-sac of odd-smelling ranch style houses, each one uglier than the next, with a loaded handgun and a pan of gross-looking seven-layer dip on every table.”
“Packers nation is a cul-de-sac of odd-smelling ranch style houses, each one uglier than the next, with a loaded handgun and a pan of gross-looking seven-layer dip on every table.”
Couldn’t this be one of those situations where the catering service serves Starbucks and uses their sleeves/cups? That happens all the time to me at work and I’m not even on a $15 million tv show.
Oh the NRA. Much facts! Here’s what actually happens with VAWA protections (I’ve helped women get protective orders in 3 different states): They get an order that says the abuser can’t have a firearm. The judge asks him if he has one. He lies or tells the truth. The judge says “well if you do, make sure to turn it…
Don’t worry, y’all! I’ve been told by capitalists that these problems are solved by the benevolent rich and the trickle down effect. Wage increases aren’t necessary.
This has been going on for so long. I suggest reading Maria Mies The Lace Makers of Narsapur which was published in 1980 and is still incredibly relevant.
Does this 3 week funding patch (or whatever it is) reinstate VAWA? I’m assuming it’s still expired? I haven’t been able to find out anywhere, and as I work at a DV agency, that obviously concerns me.
I believe that what you’re suggesting is for us to turn all Republicans into llamas so they can understand the struggles of the commoner and become better leaders. If so, I’m behind you 10000%.
“The funny thing about experience is that you do not obtain it unless you bother to do it!”
I’m a native Minnesotan living on the east coast and lemme tell you, I agree with this HARD. I came back after a holiday visit and it was all “aboot”s and “oh yah?”s for a solid week.
Unpopular opinion: I love winter. The parks are empty, the cold makes my lungs feel clean, everything is dead. I can curl up at home and there’s no pressure to do anything with anyone. Hot drinks are everywhere. My very furry dog buries her head in snow banks and looks like a yeti. You can skate outside!
*kisses finger tips*
I read this headline and honestly didn’t realize his name was wrong. Donald or David: his face is punchably orange either way, I guess.
Yep! Violence against women is not always DV. As an advocate working with DV survivors, I’m constantly having to remind other people that DV starts with power and control and requires a pattern of behaviors. Thanks for sharing the Power and Control wheel! Such a great tool. You’re the tops, Diana!
This sounds like something one of the furry dicks from Big Mouth would do, those rascals.
This is a horrible take.
This is a very important take. A domestic abuser killed his ex-partner and also those who tried to respond. This isn’t a cop-killer who also killed “two female staffers.” And to say otherwise is once again dismissing the harm IPV and toxic masculinity has on women and our entire society.
I was WONDERING why that looked so familiar.
I drop my husband off for work in Crystal City every morning before driving to my job. If Amazon moves here, I will absolutely go to prison for road rage induced murder. I already don’t understand how thousands of people are supposed to drive down a one lane road. But sure, let’s add 25k more. What could go wrong.
“Shrinkage? You mean like laundry?”