
Yeah, I’d agree. It’s culture that does it, the culture that dictates that women are inferior objects instead of human beings. And thankfully most Texans, men and women, think they’re uniquely special compared to literally anyone anywhere. I mean, not that there’s a great track record for women in Texas, but our

Very true, we’re just *SO* proud of our guns!

Yeah, that’s true. And in reality the concentration is what bothers me the most. Like, you’d think northern states, they must have good fudning/education/etc. to prevent this shit...but nope, it happens just as frequently as in bumfuck places. It’s bad to be a woman anywhere, in this case.

Proud my state’s not in the top ten...but still very surprised. Because, hello, Texas. The gun state, y’know.

There’s a reason I don’t take pills; I can’t for the life of me keep on top of it. Long-term low-maintenance is my only option.

that arm and the leg off your firstborn

It’s weird because I always watched my sister rub and clean before putting them in her eyes, but then I got my own and watched the little instruction video and it actually said to only rub BEFORE putting in the solution. What the hell.

My sister uses this and wears her contacts for AGES, like, four or five months, and never has any issues. I stick with my dailies for now.

Dalies are the BEST. I adore them. I’m the kind of person who is on long-term birth control because I forget to take pills so not having to worry about cleaning and storage is the best. thing. ever.

You cannot reach inside your body and touch your IUD. You’re purposefully misreading my statement.

I’m just still not sure why you’re saying my thoughts are invalid because your anecdotal evidence says so.

And then you shorten them so much you can’t reach them? The strings are there to check to make sure it’s in place. I know that. I was told that when I looked into getting one. But then people turn around and tell me they can be cut so short you’d never notice it. Well then how am I supposed to check it? I already

Yes. I know these things. And for every person that has told me they cannot feel it during sex I have had just as many tell me they can. And this is on sites not like Jez who aren’t obsessed with getting me into an IUD(or vice versa, actually).

Except for when it comes to Americans.

It’s not just that it “seems weird”. It’s potentially(admittedly a very low potential) unsafe and could cause me to have an ectopic pregnancy, which would destroy me emotionally. It can cause discomfort for myself and my partner, something I do care about. It’s not irrational or illogical to be concerned about these

I don’t agree with her mocking it, and I’m not trying to defend her. I’m speaking to the comments IN THIS ARTICLE and others like it. Your comment that you were frightened and therefore completely understand me but still insist that it’s the best thing ever kind of is exactly what I’m railing against. It’s as though

That seems so counter-intuitive though, trimming it. Like, doesn’t it exist so that you can reach in and feel it to make sure it’s still there(and of course to aid in removing it). If you cut it so short it’s not bothersome anymore wouldn’t it also be too short to do its job?

Okay, but you and the other people preaching about the IUD in other threads are literally ignoring anything that might make them less than perfect for all women. It’s only fair there be SOME other thought or opinion.

I’ve been told that too...but I’ve also been told by plenty of people that they can most certainly feel it, especially for uncircumcised guys(as my partner is). I mean, I get that eventually it would go away and get less intense, but damn, there’s no way in hell I want to subject him to that for as long as it would

Don’t forget the shot or the implant(or Nuvaring); it’s more than just IUD or pill!