
Yeah, I don’t understand the hate expressed for certain places (such as the ENTIRE South) in so many articles here. I know that being biased against Southerners is one of the few “allowed” biases left (well, that and bias against overweight people), but come on, man. Give it a freaking rest.

Damn son, you’re all caught up in the bullshit. Just grab a burner and some prepaid data, and don’t let them take advantage of you like that.

That he spent $50k on his fucking office was enough for me. Fuck this guy. I am not a big earner and that kind of cash is almost double what I make in a year... on his fucking office. Again, fuck this guy.

You can stay in some pretty decent places that have a government rate, the problem is that “nice” for us regular people is “crack den” for asses like this.

counterpoint: ray guns are awesome

He couldn’t even abide a mid-priced chain? I suspect the per diem allows for a decent hotel, not a crap shack. There is a level between crack den motel and luxury, you know. Maybe several levels.

It is remarkable - considering how many hundreds of people there must be trying to find *any* little thing they can pin on him.

You’re asking swindlers and con-men to pay for themselves when they can get others to pay for them instead. It would not surprise me if the only reason this Selig asshole took the gig was purely so he could travel this way on somebody else’s dime.

For real. Government rate is government rate. Who the fuck was signing off on this in the finance department?


Clearly, the guy is successful at what he does, and has become fabulously wealthy over 30 years. So if he can’t even drink a coktail that’s just freshened-up, and can’t abide a normal hotel room for a night, then why can’t he pay the difference between his per diem and what he finds acceptable?

Looks like somebody should have introduced him to:

This guy is definitely another pretentious, self-important corporatized asshole however it’s Bartending 101, especially in a nice hotel, to re-ice and re-garnish the bourbon..

Remarkable how cronyism and corruption never sticks to Obama, even when his guy does it.

So Selig was keeping the legacy of douchebag Rep. Aaron Schock going (he of the Downton Abbey-themed congressional office)...

It looks like he just found out his bill to allow Purging passed.

I was wondering if “The Matt Lauer” is now a look.

This is outrageous, and illegal. Political appointee trying to get away with illegal actions. I’ve have stayed at the Ritz Carlton on several occasions on the taxpayer’s dollar. How? Because the Ritz honors the federal per diem rate when space is available. Instead of $800 a room, it’s whatever the local per diem is,

You know what kind of government worker is the most frugal? The one that’s out of a job because government has been abolished and replaced with good old fashioned self-reliance and feudalism.

I’m about to read the article, but I have to say that’s one of the most ‘shopped pictures I’ve ever seen.