It’s just a bit disappointing that there’s no mention you have to download the file from mega to access it. From the way it sounds in the post, it seems like you can just click and see it.
It’s just a bit disappointing that there’s no mention you have to download the file from mega to access it. From the way it sounds in the post, it seems like you can just click and see it.
It’s all about the dynamics of stickin’ it to the man...until you become the man.
Yeah, I’m definitely gonna download a random file.
No problem! I was going to explain in the original comment, but it’s a bit of a stand-alone explanation and I didn’t want to wedge it in there.
To be admitted to any of the US military academies(and for some miltary scholarships to regular schools) you must be single with no dependents. At the time, those were serious options on the table for both of us.
Utterly shocking, the cheating spouse doesn’t want to admit he was a spouse(and therefore cheating) and so was trying to argue that twenty years together living as a couple didn’t count as common law *eye roll*. What a jerk.
Yeah, this was weird to me. I love weddings. Most people I know who go to weddings enjoy them. If they don’t they don’t go. Seems simple to me!
Sometimes I WISH I could elope! But I love weddings and I love our families and want to give them that. But the constant “have you set a date? do you have a dress? where will you have it? what will you eat?” is driving me crazy.
Exactly! I was devestated over Rose...and then Amy came along and I didn’t know anything could hurt more.
The credit thing was awful too; I had to max out my credit card to pay off my last T-Mobile bill because they only paid me like a 1/3rd of my last bill. It was horrible. I’m still riding my bill credit they gave me on Sprint, though, which is nice, but everything else has been truly miserable.
Rural Texas, so nowhere near you. Sorry!
I’ve made it my mission to tell everyone who will listen this; I went from $100/mo for two lines all completely unlimited everything on T-Mobile to two 10gb lines on Sprint for $80, and it was the worst $20 I ever saved. Sprint is slow and in my area LESS reliable than T-Mobile. Plus they fucked me over with my bill…
My mom passed away from breast cancer in 2013; she’d been on fentanyl for several months before she passed to ease the pain, until they upped her to straight morphine. Yes, she was in hospice, so she was 100% the intended use patient for fentanyl. But without it she would have suffered incredibly (more) severe…
Even if my school did have a health center I would be extremely wary of doing anything there or getting anything from them aside from the most basic things. I’ve seen way too many horror stories of student’s health center records being used against them(rape victims counseling sessions made public, mental health…
It’s distinctly(read: most likely) possible it was my own stupidity, but I used to have legitimately unlimited TMobile LTE(I often used 20+GB/mo) and I could never get my VPN to actually work on my Samsung or LG. This was pre-Binge On days so my only incentive was to see if I could make it work, though.
I was homeschooled(in the scary religious way) and it always blows my mind to see people come out of the woodwork to rail against it. Growing up it was always the one big positive in my life that took away from all the other negatives, and it gave me such a significant leg up in life. I was taking a full-time college…
Yeah, that really stuck out at me and I’m surprised the Dr. didn’t mention it. Not only does he have severe Oneitis, he’s starting to get into “but it’s all her fault!” territory, which, yuck!
I’m not particularly disagreeing with you. But there are some people in some situations that are unable to deal with it themselves(or have attempted to get authorities involved and they weren’t taken seriously) and are unwilling to block for the reasons I listed above.
I think the thinking is that there are some situations where people don’t take kindly to being blocked and will escalate things with you(stalking, getting physical, spreading rumors, etc.). If you keep feeding them a little bit and their interest peters out on its own, then they’re less likely to become malicious.
Sounds like even if he had ever had sex he was probably doing the world a favor by never having it again. Teen boys are so overwhelmingly douchey he probably saved a lot of stupidity.