
I love not having a period on Depo! One of the many reasons I don’t want an IUD is because of my frequent boning, because that’s a lot of, uh, jostling, AND I know the string in IUDs is not fun at all(I’ve felt it in person on a desk model and I can’t imagine subjecting my beloved partner’s penis to rubbing on that

I love having no period with Depo, but can we PLEASE not shame people who are uncomfortable with IUDs? I don’t like the idea of a bit of plastic floating around in my body. Period. I have been educated and “educated” and preached to and flat-out berated by people simply for not being comfortable with it. That is NOT

I got lice once. No idea where it came from as I was homeschooled and pretty much had no friends. I had really really long hair that was so thick it took three hours to wash, and of course my asshole of a father wouldn’t let me cut it, so I washed it once a week, and sometimes less than that. It took FOREVER to get

Yeah, that was five years ago. From what I’ve seen of him lately he seems a lot more chill, but it could just be that he doesn’t advertise like he used to. I do remember seeing a lot more religious-themed tweets back in 2009-2010, so I’m not surprised about anything really in that article. The biggest thing I

That’s weird, because I’ve never seen him as THAT religious, especially recently. I mean, I’m like 90% sure he was living with his wife before they got married. And I’m actually a pretty big fan of his but I’ve never heard him mention religion unless someone else brought it up, so...maybe he’s one of us rare unicorns

My fiance comes from a family of alcoholics, so our wedding will be 100% dry, no alcohol, please don’t bring anything. I’m SO happy I don’t have to worry about drinks for everyone. We’re gonna buy a lot of cases of water and soda and tell everyone to just stuff it. But on the other hand I think our food budget will


Amen. My mom installed some parential controls and even blocked some sites. I figured out ways around it and was doing seriously bad(judgement wise) stuff because I KNEW there was no other way to find out what I wanted to know.

The point I’m getting at is that a LOT of people consider his most egregious crimes his child molestation. Yeah, I’m pissed that he cheated on his wife, but I’m more pissed about how he broke the law and never suffered the consequences. You’re essentially ignoring that part to focus on “well maybe he shouldn’t be

Okay, then in that case you’re just ignoring he was a child molester? Maybe you ARE defending him? I’m confused now.

You essentially said it’s fine that he is the way he is. Which, for the record, is a child molester. I don’t think you’re defending him, but I do think you chose your words very poorly and it certainly seems like you’re saying that molesting kids(including your own family jfc) is no big deal.

I would agree with you, except I wouldn’t say molesting children is exactly “fine”.

The difference isn’t the money and power so much as it is that they’re adored by at least one subset of people. Stars of any kind I would be more scared to report on, because yes, they will have an army of lawyers ready to rip me to shreds, but more than that, they will automatically have the court of public opinion

It might be that they’re below average because people are scared to report them moreso than the average Joe though.

I do that too, but often I have to come home at the end of a day of hard use and plug it in again, and in that case I’d like to know if it will charge in the time it takes me to get changed and shower.

Okay, I have a question. I always tip 20-30%, occasionally more if the service is friendly and above-average, because I love to make people happy/give gifts, and I don’t eat out unless I know I can afford to tip well. We don’t go out often, but when we do I make sure to be as friendly and polite as I can and put the

It’s really depressing that she left her original career because of sexism. BUT it’s nice she found a new one! I’ve always been fascinated by court reporters so this was an excellent read!

All of which I agree with. My siblings and I were all homeschooled actually for religious reasons, and we got our fair share of stupid shit “taught” to us, but in the end all four of us came out getting GEDs at ~16/17 and were typically more educated than our peers(even my brother, who has an undiagnosed learning

Please stop bashing all homeschoolers...seriously, they’re not all crazies, and it’s super rude for those of us who(and there are lots of us!) got a highly above standard education from homeschooling. There’s a reason a lot of universities/the military love homeschoolers.

But unfortinately she’s really not being treated any better than male rapists. I mean, this is atrocious how easy she’s getting it, but, uh, a vast majority of male rapists never even get convicted of anything, so it’s not like she’s getting off easy compared to them. She’s just getting off easy, period.