
But unfortinately she’s really not being treated any better than male rapists. I mean, this is atrocious how easy she’s getting it, but, uh, a vast majority of male rapists never even get convicted of anything, so it’s not like she’s getting off easy compared to them. She’s just getting off easy period.

How many people do they need for a class-action against him?

He’s actually, uh, weirdly, wider in the middle and narrower at the ends. We actually have tried lots and lots of condoms(especially since he needs the larger sized ones), from online and sex shops, and the one we really loved...well, got eaten, so we no longer use it and switched to Durex XXL. Still though, according

If you’re using astroglide, no wonder it’s not any good. :( Astroglide is like one of the shittiest lubes out there.

I know! I make sure to give it lots of love and attention in the hopes it won’t act up again.

It was fucking terrifying because we’d already had to deal with a tear in his frenuluim(sp?) that had led to a LOT of blood and confusion, first figuring out WHO was bleeding(neither of us had pain), WHY he was bleeding, and what we could do to fix it. It was a scary few months of having sex with condoms so his

Huh. We HAVE to use a ton of lube my partner because otherwise it’s like the condom is glued down to his dick and it’s no fun for either of us. Perhaps it might have to do with the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised penii? He’s uncircumcised and unless his foreskin is moving on his dick and getting the

When we have to use condoms, we had been using Skyn Large, and they were the best when it came to sensaion/temp/feeling. But then one worked its way under his fucking foreskin(FOR REAL. it was like his foreskin opened up inside of me and gobbled up the condom, you could barely see it peaking out over his head) and we

If you’re sliding out of it after using more than a drop or two, you might need a size down. The ring at the bottom is supposed to keep it on securely.

I hate them for, get this, reducing the sensation. I don’t feel a warm throbbing dick, I feel an amorphous blob of latex. And this is doing it all right, as they say.

I just had to explain to someone today that you’re supposed to put lube on your dick before you put a condom on, otherwise it won’t feel good at all. It’s no fucking wonder dudes think condoms suck; they’re basically doing it to themselves. It’s a nice excuse to not have to take responsibility for what happens.

There’s a goddamn reason truckers have the associations they have for raping and killing women on the side of the road. There’s a fucking goddamn reason, you guys.

I was actually thinking about this the other day, and wondering if her getting out of his grasp was part of why her image changed so drastically. Certainly that could be also used as evidence if the timelines line up, right?

No, it’s that a 16 yo vagina SHOULD BE LARGELY INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THAT SAME VAGINA AT 18 YO OR 20 YO UNLESS A BABY HAS PASSED THROUGH IT. Vaginas do not change that much just from having sex or having exams. If yours did, that’s okay! Talk about it! That’s YOUR right, as it’s YOUR vagina. But a grown-ass man

And you really think he didn’t come back? You really think those guns were JUST for NWA? Wow, people are really very naive these days, huh?

That’s exactly what I’m saying. The whole concept of tight/loose is all about hetero men and their desires, and it’s fucking gross. Why the hell would any woman want to encourage that?

I don’t know, because there isn’t a lot of public knowledge about Led Zep. To be honest I actually consider most “classic” rock bands rapists and abusers just by default because...well, that’s probably what happened. They had access to anything they wanted, and I’m sure they got what they wanted, regardless.

The point is, it’s a gross standard, and the actual MEDICAL standard should be used. Get a damn diagram that shows how much the actual measurements look like if you need to use a standard, don’t go around being icky about female virginity.

Uh, the armed men who came looking for her?

Even if it’s a concept it’s still a concept perpetuating sexualization of teens and the myth of virginity = tightness, which still makes it a hugely gross concept.