
I’m no expert, but how often do you fucking hate him? I’ve never fucking hated my partner, but I’d argue we just haven’t been together long enough for that to happen yet.

My fiance can “swim” in that he can propel himself through the water but only underwater or on the water but making a huge splash. I’ve tried to teach him how to do a simple breastroke but he just doesn’t get it. Plus, he sinks like a rock. He literally cannot float...but that still shouldn’t hinder him from swimming

I’ve tried it on my legs and cried like a baby; I always thought since the ladybits were so much more sensitive it’d hurt even more, but you’re saying the opposite? INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOOOW.

Try eating ceral, mac & cheese, or any “home cooked” style meal with water instead of milk. Try it. I’ll wait.

Have credit card and loan with local credit union. Can confirm amazing rates on both, despite being my first card and first loan.

Didn’t he also sexually assault her? Why the fuck isn’t he getting that shit thrown at him too?

My all time favorite of hers. I love the pettier woman scorned songs, but the ones about life and growing up are the ones I love.

For what it’s worth his (extended) family gave him a bit of shit when we first got together for basically not sowing his wild oats and getting engaged so young/soon, but now they all seem to love me/us so I guess they got over it...or better at hiding it. So that pretty much proves your point.

Oh damn :( this almost happened with me and my fiance; it tore alright but thankfully not too much and it’s healed up to the point where we have sex perfectly normally. I would have been so sad if he’d had to been circumcised because I like him how he is(and I loathe circumcision as it is in the US now).


I wonder if people thought that about me and my partner, except I’m the one with no relationship experience(though I say he was a teenage boy when we started dating so that levels the field a bit). I mean we’ve proved we’re in it for the long run and it’s worked thus far, but I wonder what my family thought.

This is me! I just want to know about who my partner was and naturally his relationships are a part of that(bigger parts for some, like yours).

Other than the fact that one of them looked a lot like me(and this is the one who broke his heart), I don’t really have anything about them that bothers me? Perhaps because they were all HS girlfriends(we’re college sweethearts)? I don’t know. We’ve talked loosely about one day opening up our relationship and I’m fine

All of that is true. And the bottom line is that this report is recomending those exact same resources to domestic violence survivors, period. Editorializing has altered the meaning in this particular article to spotlight how women are affected, which makes sense, as this is a blog primarily about and directed to,

That’s my take as well, and honestly, as far as clickbaity stuff on this site, it’s rather mild since it’s actually accurate(it just doesn’t say women and men).

Wow, so according to Jez she’s a cheating asshole and he’s a cuholded self-centered non-feminist.

Open relationship doesn’t exactly mean both people are getting equal amounts of sex on the side? Why do people thing that?

Damn, Jez, are we really condemning the study and research just because it only talks about women, who ARE more likely than men(and it makes no mention of sexuality) to be victims of domestic violence? It’s not saying THIS IS COMING, it’s saying this is a good idea. Unwad your panties please.

Yeaaaah...same here about all my reps giving no shits. Only one I think would pay the slightest attention to constituent emails that aren’t YOUR DOING A GOOD JOB FIGHTING THE GAYS.

I honestly completely believe that. But I also can’t watch onscreen rape scenes. It’s a huge change of pace for a CW show that alledgedly is feminist and focuses on women’s agency. It says to me that they think they have to show the rape and how explicit it was to ensure that the audience believes it’s rape.