
I honestly don’t think there was cheating going on there, just because his first wife seemed a complete not fit for him and despite their images, Blake and Miranda honestly seemed to think the world of each other and have a lot of respect/love going on. Yeah, cheating happens a LOT, but I’ve seen IRL(not celebs,

I still have a really hard time coping with rape as it’s depicted in media, especially when it’s actually SHOWN (not offscreen or fade-out), and I’m shocked they could get away with that on the CW. I think that’s probably why it was highlighted so much, because that’s shocking and appalling imho. I can handle

I had really wanted to get into the show because I love Mary and that era, but there was an article and several comments detailing a horrible gratuitus rape scene and I just could not do that. Makes me sad, and I also wonder how the actress, who is such a feminist, would be willing to shoot a scene like that.

Oh that’s absolutely why I’m joining. It was between the AF and the Navy and despite all the propoganda they try to sell you, they’re still a shitty force for women. Sure, there haven’t been any more Tailhooks, but that’s just ‘cause they’re better at hiding it. I would love to serve on a ship but there’s no way in

That’s what the lady at the Marketplace told me as well. I just haven’t had the time yet to call them back and talk it out.

Eugh. I often get interrupted while working on big projects, only to come back and find out that my computer automatically restarted while I was gone and all that work is lost. I got around it by delaying the update and then installing it before I go to bed, but now that won’t be an option? How shitty. I know it’s a

I don’t even LIKE chocolate, much less when I’m on my period and NOTHING tastes good.

It’s taken three or four posts about Cara for Jez to finally mention that she’s bisexual. Damn it’s hard out here when you’d like a little recognition.

My insurance is straight off the marketplace, I’m classified as a temp/contractor.

It’s glorious. And to my surprise there actually are a few(a FEW) good ones that put AF on the top.

It better have been one of those weddings where they told everyone to leave their kids at home.

Everyone is LOSING their shit, but even at best IT WAS STILL AN ACCIDENT and yes, that shit is serious, and I’m sorry, I honestly think Caitlyn is dealing with a lot of stuff personally related to it because I’m sure she feels responsible. But what is she supposed to be doing publicly?

Very few women who end up as fighter pilots go through what you’re describing...all that I’ve heard of don’t even get close to having kids until they age out of flying and get a desk job.

My fiance and our friend(who introducted us) are joining the Marines and Navy respectively, while I’ll be joining the AF. SO many of these damn jokes, it’s incredible. I’m rather fond of the “This Sucks” one and My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment, Sir.

This is what I said about working at Target vs. Walmart. At Target they try to pretend to be better than Wally World, but they’re not. They’re even worse in some cases, and there are a lot of people who only work there because “at least it’s not walmart!” which is BS because Walmart should be saying “At least we’re

This is legit like watching J2 just about seven years later. Sigh. The stay at home moms shipping the actors so they dont’ have to deal with incest from shipping their characters has escalated to...this. Honestly I can’t actually say this has escalated though.

Oh god this Cohen guy is giving me the absolute fucking creeps. All this shit he’s done “for” these women? Yeah, are you SURE none of them were under the impression that your “help” was only available if you “’pretended’ to be their client”?

lol I have huge 34I cup boobies and sleeping on my stomach is way better than sleeping on my back, simply because I can’t sleep on my back without my back arching because my butt is weirdly shaped and sticks out when I lay on my back. The only way I can sleep on my back is if my legs are elevated and then that makes

So it’s possible for a guy but not possible for a girl? Ok. Got it.

And what about my fiance? Did you find any body shapes where you can be ten pounds less and not overweight? God, it’s almost like you’re a troll...