No thanks. You have fun with that though!
No thanks. You have fun with that though!
Wow, you ARE a dick! Seems to me like you’re reading a lot into the situation...and you’re an ass.
Yeah, I’m sure everyone can guess you’re an asshole. But when you have old grizzled I don’t give a fuck pilots telling you “oh...I had 170 for the weight and balance” it’s kind of easy to assume people don’t think I weigh as much as I do. Besides, the picture above LITERALLY just explained how people with…
So it’s not like on the surface right right under your skin? I’ve always wondered if it like bulges out or whatever. I know a girl who has one but I dont wanna be like HEY SHOW ME
I’m planning on calling the insurance directly when I get home and if that doesn’t get me some answers then I’ll be trying the marketplace, followed by, maybe the cops, if nothing else works, since that just might apparently?
Hmmm...interesting. I will have to look into that.
Well, I’m a temp/contract employee so my insurance isn’t through my employer so it’s just me and the insurance company. If I can’t afford my BC there’s no way I can afford a lawyer. :/
SAME fear here! I just am scared people will be able to see it and that it would just look weird. How big is it?
That’s awesome! I’ve thought about the implant but I don’t know enough about it(I love not having periods!) and I’m squicky of getting something INSIDE OF ME(hence the reason why I have no IUD either).
My poor fiance is dealing with this trying to get into the military. He’s very muscly and bulky and well built and OF COURSE his BMI is high. He’s 5’10 and weighs 190, literally has a freakin’ six pack, and he’s still gotta fight to keep it below the weight where they say he’s “overweight”. Like, to the point where he…
There’s a difference between big as in fat and big as in large and broad, smartass.
So what can I do about that? I can’t exactly call up the cops and be like hey my insurance company is breaking the law. I mean, I wrote them a strongly worded letter to accompany my reciept and request for reimbursement for my shot. And I’m gonna call them at some point when I have time, but other than that? It’s not…
Now could somebody please explain why the FUCK my insurance will not cover my BC from the pharmacy and I instead have to buy it flat out myself and then hope and pray I get a reimbursement? I’m sitting at a month past my last shot and I STILL have not heard a thing from them about getting me back my money. All because…
He’s very immature, but he’s grown a lot since we started dating(this vibrator issue was a while ago and at the time it did nearly sink our relationship because I gave him an ultimatum and that’s part of how he wised up) and he’s got a lot of potential that I wanna be around for. He’s definitely an insecure selfish…
I’m not sure if you’re being serious(lol) or sarcastic, but, actually, no, I wouldn’t be, because I CAN’T “me alone” get him off. I can’t get him off with a blowjob or a handjob, and the only times he can get off during sex is when he’s in charge of position/thrust(i.e. nothing with me on top). And since I’ve been in…
This! My fiance knew I could only get off with vibrating assistance and still refused for the first year and half of our relationship to let me use them during sex. He was a huge ass about it and thankfully finally wised up to his asshole behavior and is now at least externally chill with it.
I just realized that apparently a lesbian is playing a heterosexual. Is the world ending?
Half of it was her wanting things and not being able to think beyond buying it, and the other half was her wanting to leave her children something I think.
This is what I think as well. Possibly because I quite like him lol
Dude, this is amazing, what an awesome kickass genuinely decent guy. Love his insight on life in a sub(especially his thoughts on women and the 10 things).