
Maybe he never planned on it being a long game but he’s been doing this for years now and clearly to many many women so forgive me if I think it’s a little more sinister than a little “free fap material”.

You’re probably right. I do tend to have a live-in-the-moment kind of mentality and much prefer things that are experiences and tangible items(like I HATE spending money on food unless it’s really good because it won’t exist afer you eat it and so it SEEMs like money for nothing in my brain).

Yeah, that was my mom’s role, the saver. She pinched and pinched and pinched until she got really sick and she started to lose her mind to the cancer, at which point the roles were swapped and she bought everything and my dad had to try to save for her care. Needless to say as soon as my dad realized it we had to take

Yeah, hence the grooming aspect of it. He was grooming them for a future abusive physical relationship, which probably would have started as soon as they turned 18 and it was no longer statutory.

Henleys are a universally recognized sign of attractiveness, I thought this was Known?

Just BT. And it only happens when I don’t use a VPN which is why I suspect it’s the ISP. I use a lot of data but I still keep it under their data cap(and not even most of that is from BT; my fiance plays LOT of online video games and we stream HD movies/tv every day).

Logically you’d think that everything I saw growing up and how my mom busted ass to save money despite my dad’s indiscretions would have shaped me into a better money handler, but nope. And all my siblings are poor with money too. My older sisters wracked up thousands of dollars of non student-loan debt before they

I grew up that way too and I have constant anxiety, but I also spend money on everything. A big part of why we had no money was because my mom couldn’t work and my dad had no college education and therefore could only get jobs making ~20k a year. For four people. BUT he had no concept of saving. If he wanted

...are you me? God I’m TERRIFIED for the actual wedding planning because I can’t save money and I’m a horrible person with money.

Mine are, uh, rather large, and I have that issue as well, but projection and narrow wires are my #1 priority because I spent way too long having poor fitting bras.

I have extreme immediate projection with very narrow roots, which means bras that aren’t those things will fit wrong and cause all kinds of issues. Shallow wide bras will smoosh my boobs and I will fold the cups over and it just won’t work. I’ll have to check it out on Bratabase and see the measurements. In the mean

I mostly get things off eBay or smalltime retailers or braswap on reddit because my budget really only allows no more than $30 for a bra. But I have really made it work. I’ve never even heard of it, is it projected?

Yeah, I actually spent MONTHS looking for another Melissa in my size because I’d bought one on sale and it fit like a dream and was PERFECT for me so I had to find another for when that one wore out.

If your shape fits what they make(luckily Cleos are the BEST for me) then they can be a GODSEND.

I’m hopeful that all the jokes in the comments are the coping stratagy to deal with the constant passes that famous people get when it comes to abusing women. I’m hopeful. But I’m probably wrong.

Except those bras aren’t actually for traditionally large breasts. A US E is five(yep, FIVE) cup sizes too small for my average-large 34GG(UK) boobs.

Panache Sports. Shock Absorber. Enell. Freya Active. All are big names for big boobs in sports bras. Make sure you’re using the right sizing for each brand(three, Freya, Panache, and Shock Absorber use the far superior UK sizing system and Enell uses their own system) and that you’re properly measured(HUGELY important.

I’m so excited because I have my first Panache in the mail to me right now! I previously had a compression Shock Absorber and I hated how uncomfortable it was. I can handle SOME movement I just need to be able to breathe!

Please, please, please, find your true bra size! Check out the reddit ABraThatFits and read all the info. If you wear a poor fitting bra it will actually cause MORE pain in the long run!

Are you sure this guy wasn’t a producer on Game of Thrones perhaps? It seems he would fit in quite well with their brutalize-women-at-all-costs mentality.