
I’m marrying a black man and I’m actually very excited for our mixed babies because they WILL be cute as fuck and far cuter than any others because they’ll be his and he’s cute as fuck so. But I also think mixed babies are far cuter than any other babies so I guess that makes me a bad person.

Oh god, if we tried to double how much sex we were having we’d never even get out of the house. Damn.

I’ve thought about hypenating but my name is pronouced the same as an automobile and his is a synonym for butler.

This is pretty much the reason why I’m considering changing my last name when we get married. I don’t want to change it to signal I’m now my husband’s property, but at the same time, I don’t want to be associated with my dad’s family at all. So I’m at an impasse. I should just change it to something cool that isn’t

You’re not quite getting what I’m saying I think. I KNOW I’m naming him after his father, but the name was his grandfather’s first. I’m saying my partner handled it well and he had a great relationship with his father. I’m hoping that the same will happen to our potential future son. The end. I’m sorry it seems you’ve

God, this gives me such chills and disgusts me so much. Of course it took six women getting killed before anyone thought to think they were being systematically murdered. Of course they were “just” drug addicts and sex workers, because that somehow makes people less human. Of course they were “females”, because women

Well, he ADORED his father and he actually passed away when he was in HS. It still fucks him up sometimes because he loved his dad and he can’t wait to be a dad one day(and his dad won’t be there for it). His dad was largely known by a nickname so there isn’t really a lot of confusion, but his dad was also a pillar in

Yup!! The problems of the south could be fixed(or well on the road to it) in a couple years if we got our act together and provided decent healthcare and education. It would literally CHANGE a generation.

Because the VAST majority of relationships are not open, usually it’s best to assume it IS code for fuck right off.

I would totally have come back to those assholes on their “regular” stop by and remark the next time they hit on me that at least my fiance could afford to tip 25%.

Agreed completely! It makes me sad for the future, and then I even find myself falling into the nostalgia pit of how much nicer things were “back then” which isn’t even a time period that existed. The south has been shooting itself in the foot time and time again and it’s slowly starting to crumple to the ground from

I’m actually very new fashioned about the whole name carrying thing. I don’t even know if I’ll take his name, aside from casually. I just think it’s kind of pointless and carries on a lot of icky male dominance shit. But our kids will have it just because I would rather they be known as coming from his family than my

Well, if I end up with that much money and have to do IVF, I will want a boy to carry on his father’s name. But that’s been my choice. My fiance is a jr. and I love his name and I would love to be a part of carrying it on. But it’s got fuck all to do with heirship and more to do with it being a nice name and I love

I’m a young bisexual and I had never even heard about it until now. There’s not really a lot of education out there that’s findable on the history of LGBT, imho.

That’s amazing! I’m lucky in that I have Suddenlink instead of the huge juggernauts. They’re not as good as what you have, but I get 75/15 usually for about $57, which apparently is incredible. Unfortunately I’m battling right now trying to get all that speed to my fiance’s PS3, because he gets about 15/2 over the

The last time I made a comment about getting throttled while torrenting, someone got their panties in a bunch because I was clearly a master theif. But it’s still illegal for my ISP to throttle P2P, especially if it’s perfectly innocent downloads, right?

You’re not wrong! I’m certainly generalizing the situation. But as best as I can tell, that’s the common/general thread amongst the people I’ve lived with in the South. Everyone has varying degrees of intensity, but it’s a pretty common thought. But of course you’re right about everone being dumb!

That’s beautiful.

True. And if they think that the military can save their lives(job wise), the single-minded patriotism/pride is really easy to get on board with.

Honestly I make it a habit to kick them every time I see them. If you’re gonna make such a big deal about how much of a man you are, I’m gonna point and laugh and take pictures.