
Because by and whole, southerners(and I say this as one) are dumb. They(we) accept what we’re told and don’t question. Why do you think most of the good boys who went to fight in Iraq and Afganistan were from the southern states? Because you can present all the facts but if some one they trust tells them something, it

Your mom is a badass! I only ever see it around here on dumbass redneck trucks and the occasionally car. NOBODY flies it on an actual pole, much less compares it to the state or national flag. Other bigger cities in the state, yeah, but not in my little neck of the woods. I love it because I can roll my eyes and

My 2003 Wrangler and my fiance’s ‘93 F-350 both have these and I love them. It’s a bit awkward to get used to but by now I’ve forgotten that the one on my Jeep even exists.

Hard to kiss a pile of ashes.

Yes, I’m sure that his inappropriate friendship started after he discovered his wife’s affair. That totally seems likely. *eyeroll*

I’m so excited for this! My fiance and I have had good luck with hormonal BC thus far but seeing as kids are a good ten years away and I’m not crazy about the weight and mood swings I deal with now, male contraceptives could be a godsend. And I know he’d do it because we’ve already agreed that he’s getting the big

As long as you clean it up from wherever it ends up, I’m sure nobody would object. But it is a little selfish to imply that you have the right to shoot your load and make your partner get up after sex and clean themselves up(or risk some nasty infections) because you wanted it to not feel a little bit less good.

On the flip side though I’m sure your partner would enjoy not having to immediately get up after sex to clean herself up because she’s dripping your fun orgasm onto the sheets and potentially her clothes/underwear, ruining them. Unless you’re the one doing work to clean up your partner, saying you’d refuse to try the

You sound like an asshole. Some people have irregular periods, some people don’t get periods, etc.

Giz comments are a hive of scum and misogyny. I used to LOVE Giz and now I can’t even read it anymore.

WTF with her getting with Jason Bateman’s character in Identitify Theif? That does NOT happen. She kind of tries but he’s married????

Yup! I have broad shoulders and prominent collarbones and I am NOT skinny in any way.

No amount of my bowed legs will give me thigh gap, but you’re right. It’s very arbitrary and people with certian body types, regardless of skinniness, will be able to do it with ease, while others will not.

He’s a bit darker than you, but that might work! Maybe if I use the excuse that I bought special sunscreen for him he’ll let me put it on him? Thankfully he always wears a shirt when swimming so it’s really face and arms I’m worried about. He’s got a pretty nice face; I’d like for him to keep it as is.

Wouldn’t people with broader shoulders(and therefore less likely to be skinny) be able to stack more? This makes no sense.

My fiance constantly assures me that he needs no sunscreen because he’s black. I still attempt to get after him, but no luck. They really should make sunscreen that isn’t super florescent white so he doesn’t look like a crazy white-face person when I DO hold him down and put it on him.

It’s really weird but it seems to work for me. Admittedly I got my “base” tan on my arms from 9 unprotected hours in the sun(literally the only thing I forgot to sunscreen was my arms), but I’ve been out for that long since and no more burn. Just lots of farmer’s tan.

My dad visited my mom in the hospital after her wisdom teeth were out. It was horrifically embarassing to her that her mom let him in.

because women aren’t real people and sex between women isn’t real sex, silly! two women having sex with each other is literally two nothings doing nothing!

Genunine curiosity here and I know I’m phrasing it poorly, so please shoot me down if I’m being too prying, but I’ve always been super curious about men and women who have had heterosexual partners(several or for a long time) and then end up identifying as homosexual. I’m bisexual and I can’t fathom why more people