
It’s so alien and foreign for men to know things that I legit have multiple times launched into anatomy lessons with my fiance only for him to remind me that yes, he knows, because he intentionally sought out that information as a teen hoping that if he knew how ladyparts worked he would get laid(which shockingly

*hugs* Me too! I’m not opposed to it, but I’ve never had a chance to do so.

Seriously, I’m not sure WHAT is happening at Jez lately, but this is like the fourth or fifth post in the past few days that has been incredibly blind to LGB(esp B)T issues, and then the damn height post was the icing on the cake for me.

it pisses me off because I love the flag from a design standpoint and because of its original use/meaning but now tea partiers and libertarians use it and I want to rage because I LIKE IT STOP MAKING ME SEEM LIKE I AM ASSOCIATED WITH YOU

Yeah, that is pretty insane, since most babysitters that command that much money per hour aren’t teens!

Are you aware that most babysitters are no longer teenagers?

Thank you. I’m 5’9” and I have ALWAYS felt this way. I’m too big, in every way, too unwomanly, to much like a man. I can’t dress or look how I want, and especially not the way society wants me to look.

Well, I’m one of those people that thinks a large portion of the population(gay and straight) is bi, far larger than will claim the label because of the stigma/unaware that they are or could be bi, so I doubt she’s really still figuring it out, she’s probably like a LOT of people and happens to be attracted to both

I don’t think an actual answer exists; there are simply too many women from too many different groups and too many things that qualify as sexual assault for it to be feasable to conduct such a study. I would LOVE to be proven wrong, but look how long it’s taken to get one done for colleges, and that represents a tiny

She’s practically been publically out; watch her interviews the past few years and you’ll see she’s pretty much done everything but say yo I’m bi guys.

There was no way she was using him as a cover. She’s always been very out, just without actually saying hey y’all I like gals too. She seems to perscribe to the interesting notion that her sexuality isn’t for the public’s consumption.

Add me to the list. Though honestly I’ve had a huge crush on her since the Joan Jett movie and I’ve suspected from all her awesome girl power quotes that she was probably bi.

Anna is basically the best at explaining this shit. It was amazing to watch her school him like that.

But unicorns aren’t real!?

I would be shocked if the statistics showed less than half of all women have been assaulted at least once in their lives.

THIS so much. I ALWAYS use the “one in x” version of statistics because it really drives home that yes, if you have a mother/aunt/sister/wife ONE of them has been sexually assaulted, possibly even raped. Period. Ironically enough, in my circle, the statistic is flipped. Of the four people closest to me, two were

I wish I could eat beans and the like. :/

When I was growing up my family was old-school(and poor) and we had meat maybe once a week. My fiance, on the other hand, grew up eating meat every. single. day. And now that’s all he wants, a mean HAS to have meat in it or he doesn’t want it. I love a good steak as much as the next person but it blows my mind how

I’d like to add Lovehoney, which, is not traditional as it’s an online sex shop, but it really can be useful if you spend $50 on that nice toy and then discover you have an allergic reation to it.

Your parents WERE crazy! Then again I never went anywhere as a kid so I never had a chance to see if my parents were that crazy about it.