It’s toilet time!
It’s toilet time!
“In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean what, are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.”
“Just washing my fat guy hat, honey.”
No, his death is not “just as bad” as you forming a negative opinion about him. Dear god.
This is so childish, stupid, and self-congratulatory, it’s insulting.
See, I think the ‘most have podcasts’ is the big difference, and not a good one. The reason Mike Haggarty, John Vernon, Kurt Fuller, Zeljko Ivanek, Glenne Headly etc are awesome is because they’re kind of a mystery, they have a mystique, they’re not trying to be famous and don’t care all that much if we know their…
Presumably she did the driving?
Video clip aside, just the image of deaf woman plugging her ears around Gilbert is funny by itself.
That bit showed up in an episode of Dr. Katz, too. “It’s about a group of soldiers in a Nazi prison camp. IT’S A COMEDY!”
“SNL punted way too many times during the Trump administration, which is why the show was so unsatisfying in its last few seasons”
that our major beef with the Razzies is not so much their general mean-spiritedness, but the sheer lack of creativity with which they express it
There’s a strange kind of “nothing to see”/non-story attitude AV Club is cultivating about this incident, even as they write approximately 12 articles about it an hour. Bizarre.
You don’t get to sneer about twitter takes when your contribution involves the same thing PLUS monetization on behalf of awful people.
I still can’t believe Ed Asner got away with that!
The tone of this post sucks. Fuck off, man.
This is blatant Dirty Work erasure.
He wasn’t lying about that gritty Fresh Prince reboot! Man alive!!
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Everyone watched Gaslight. Stop being wrong and crazy.