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I’d say you’re stepping out of your lane—I don’t think the ramblings of a few ideological purists should be the determining factor:

Or have multiple desktops on the computer that don’t talk to each other, so I—I mean, someone—can open up their browser and type in “Romeo and Juliet” without it autocompleting “romantic bi threeway.”

I started to say something about not ___ shaming people who would get turned on by that picture, but after coming up with about 15 valid- to semi-valid ways to fill in the blank, it is still Steven Seagal, so yeah, you would kind of deserve the shaming on that one.

“I can tell by that face that you’re either incredibly bored or trying to suppress powerful feelings of arousal. Let’s see if I can seal this deal with some details about grocery store traffic patterns...”

Nah, I’d give it a shot, but, I mean, it’s not my job since last year, right?

His show was hosted, in its final installment tonight, by David Asman in a substitute role.

It almost certainly got stolen, but having worked in shipping in the past (and most recently a couple of years ago), unless things have changed considerably, I haven’t seen internal tracking of that sort (with the exception of international stuff, and only then to see if it was still in customs or if it had been

Not for nothing, but I have yet to see a still photograph of Herzog that doesn’t make him look like a Bond villain and/or mad scientist. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but just that every single one I’ve ever seen looks like a man in the middle of saying, “You see, my androids are quite human-like, only without that

Hey, you followed Basic Ass-Heroes, too? One of the great Tumblrs lost to stupid Puritan ToS rules.

It seems like something that has to be apocryphal, but I’ve always been partial to Pancho Villa (I think it was him): “Don’t let it end like this. Tell them I said something.”

I’ve always thought that it’s a show that has great jokes but never earns its pathos—you want to have terrible people and good jokes? Go for it (it works for Seinfeld and Sunny). But don’t have characters act like dicks for 20 minutes and then do a 2-minute “and now we’re being serious” heart-to-heart and treat it

“What do you think of the Lady Jojo Mustache Removal System now, Angelique?”

In fairness, you haven’t seen my parents.

Very much same here. It’s not a show I think about all that often, but when I do, it was really helpful for someone who was raised in an environment where there were two options: straight and evil and sinful (you know, gay). I had heard tell of a middle ground between the two, but while I always thought that it made a

A professor I once knew categorically refused to explain why he found certain stories funny, because the quickest way to kill a joke is to explain it and he liked them too much to do that.

Hey, Richard Moll is still alive and available.

Hard to see a picture of him without hearing the words “Devoted sister, beloved aunt” (or some version thereof) in my head.

He’s not the Fuhrer...

I mean, the fat kid that drowned in the chocolate river was kind of a dead giveaway.

For me, the Kirk jokes work best when there are only a couple a season, and they’re quick with it (see: “I told that idiot to slice my sandwich!”). I don’t need a whipping boy character to have a rich narrative arc--Moleman volunteers his time at an animal shelter? Who knew?--but I don’t need to see him get kicked all