Insert Clever Name

It’s a nice example of a sneaky-great episode in that if I had to list my favorites, this one probably wouldn’t immediately spring to mind, but just about every scene has one of my favorite individual jokes somewhere in it (including, as someone in the Twitter comments mentioned, Bart hitting Homer with a chair, which

Hey, I watched The Night Porter for its clever pacing and evocative mise-en-scene.

This is sick, and even though it’s getting a lot of support in the comments, I hope it’s the minority opinion. When I’m rubbing one out in a shower stall at the gym, the last thing I want to have to worry about is whether or not I’m standing in someone else’s urine.

The most annoying part of the NPC is that if you confront her, she’ll inform you that since it was an older patient, she’s technically a hebephile, so, you know, completely different thing.

High School Me, Five Minutes Into the Broadcast: What’s up with these idiots in the audience? They just don’t get why this is so funny!

Can we have one article on these sites without bringing up Jeffrey Toobin?

If I were looking for proof of the existence of god, it would be this: as an undergrad I did a presentation on Oscar Wilde, which included showing a scene from the Stephen Fry movie Wilde about his gross indecency trial. When I turned on the TV to play the scene, it had been pre-set to the college’s public access

For the past few years, knowing how old he was, I would periodically check his Wikipedia page to see. Loved his work, and even though I know that after a certain age, you’re playing with house money and all that, still a sad day.

That’s much as it pains me, this means I can no longer in good conscience watch my VHS of Scavenger Hunt (well, this and Cloris Leachman—I don’t even think I can legally type out what she’s into, the sick fuck).

Just to add to that, there’s a difference between “What do you think of x?” and “How do you feel about x dying?” That might be considered splitting hairs, though I don’t think that it is—when the time comes, if someone asks me “What did you think of Paul Reiser?”, I imagine I’ll have a similar reaction to Crosby’s,

No, you’re thinking of Peter Nosh, although these days he focuses less on music and more on his YouTube cooking channel.

Not sure how the one in the intro qualifies as hijacking, since the person is responding to a specific question with specific information.

(In fact, in speaking to the Miami Herald, Miranda stressed that he’s “no stranger to four- and five-figure checks.”)

I still find myself compulsively adding, “and I am not making this up” to conversations, e-mails, etc. I can only assume that people a) didn’t spend as much time reading Barry when they were younger as I did; and b) wonder why I’ve convinced myself that they think I’m lying.

Wait a minute...I grew up hearing that. That’s not Scots, that’s Hillbilly!

News, electronic messages, videos if you have a newer computer, what more could you ask for? :

But the last one was Brad and you could just imagine having seen him on screen that he’s insanely charismatic.

Now playing

I was once quitting a job and my boss asked if I would like to say why at our last department meeting; I was going back to school, but I figured I’d plagiarize Bender and say, “I’m sick of this building and everyone in it.”

How dare they make me choose between sticking to my “I will watch anything with Brendan Gleeson in it” rule and my “If sweet death will not come, at least put me in a coma for a year” prayer.