
Thanks! I found it, and I think I finally got my account merged successfully.

Oh that’s weird... when I’m writing a comment I’m MirrorCleverGuy but when I publish it I change back to TheCleverGuy. The avatar changes and everything!

Hmm... I made a burner account a few days ago under this name. I tried claiming my regular Disqus name, but I’m not sure if it worked. I’m gonna have to try to log out of this burner and log in again with my Disqus name, I think.

Today I learned that Fastball are still doing stuff. Like this cover, which was pretty good. I've given up on ever getting the list.

Think positive, everyone. I'm sure it won't be as bad as we all seem to think. I fear change as much as the next commenter, and it'll take some getting used to, but I am planning to stick around. I'll see you on the other side (or on the Avocado).

Well done, Mr. McLevy.

I was wondering this myself. You can create a "burner account" that isn't linked to anything. They give you a randomly generated 20-character password that can't be recovered if you lose it.

"Barely even a functional human being" sort of sums up at least 2 of the 4 heroes on this show.

I saw a Quebecois folk group, the Yves Lambert Trio, at a folk festival in my home town a year or two ago. During one song, Yves Lambert pulls out a slide whistle and proceeds to play one of the the best, most rocking, solos I've ever heard on any instrument.

Buddy Rich was so fucking good! If I didn't know better, I'd swear parts of that video were sped up, but no, he really just moves that fast. And the rest of the band just turns around and watches him for 5 minutes.

Ya, I don't bring my kid to restaurants to "expand his palette," I bring him to restaurants because it's time to eat and we're too far away to get home. Or sometimes because we forgot to thaw out that chicken we were gonna cook.

I'm from Massachusetts, so of course, I've seen Dropkick Murphys at least half a dozen times.

Yeah, you couldn't pay me to watch that.

Unless this is a sci-fi movie about a species whose male and female gender actually live on entirely separate planets and come together only to procreate, there's no way this is a good idea.

I've only seen the first two (always meant to continue, but just haven't gotten around to it). I have to say, I knew very little about the original when I first saw it, and I was blown away by how good it is.

It might stretch the definition of "rom-com," but Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner should not have ended up together at the end of The Invention of Lying. In fact, that would have been a better movie if they just excised the entire romance plot altogether and just let him get rich and start a religion based on more

Not sure if this counts as a party, but I always wanted to join the D&D game that Daniel plays with the geeks in Freaks and Geeks.

Are you taking article ideas from my 4-year-old? Not that I'm really complaining, it's just that CleverGuy Jr just asked me like 2 days ago, "Why is it called 'tomato ketchup'?" And I had no answer, and now I do. So, thanks AV Club!

The Darkness, "I Believe in a Thing Called Love." Everything about that song is incredible, including the video. Look it up if you aren't familiar already, well worth your time.

Is this the one where the dinosaurs go back in time and give Merlin a magic wand?