These are supposed to not be scary. The flute during the WWI sequences and the moan as Snoopy’s silhouette rises are soul-chilling.
These are supposed to not be scary. The flute during the WWI sequences and the moan as Snoopy’s silhouette rises are soul-chilling.
From memory there’s some over-simplification going on there- Torres was the poster-child for grinding against the stifling rules and regulations of the Starfleet militariesque complex all through-out the run of the series as a former Maquis member and season 1's major seasonal plot involved a Cardassian operative…
The rule used to be to name two historical things and one made up thing, and now they’re doing one historical, one modern (ugh) and one made up. Such a bad decision.
Kory Stamper is awesome. Is this a new feature? Maybe it’s not the first one. Anyway she is great keep it up
All of the prophets’ children are flawed, so we should have patience with them. Having lots of time to absorb new narratives (big chunks of negotiation downtime lately) I have a high bar for writing and am more bothered by flawed characterization. Was absolutely everyone in Starfleet mentally unstable in those days? A…
I’m a big fan of the theory that The Dark Knight’s Joker is a former soldier, probably someone involved in special forces or covert ops, with combat experience in the Middle East. Consider:
I would gladly do this if the bribe was for Block & Tackle. And if Comcast carried Fusion. Since neither of those (mostly the second one) are true, I am truly sorry that I can’t participate. I do hope to watch someday, because John Teti is a delightful individual.
A Little Piece of the Action
Far Beyond the Stars
Best of Both Worlds
City on the Edge of Forever
If I see all five these in one day, I call it a Royal Fizzbin!
Good. I’d hate to think of you as that guy who singlehandledly rescued a bunch of nuns and orphans from a burning schoolbus.
If I squint, I can almost see a logic in how this plot played out. Last week, the sisters’ confrontation was Arya’s ruse against Littlefinger, and the giveaway was Arya boasting how easily she could “wear all those pretty dresses.” However strange Sansa finds her sister, she knows that Arya would loathe playing…
Sansa didn’t have a clue until Littlefinger asked her what Arya would gain, and she realized the last thing Arya wanted was to be lady of Winterfell. The scene the week before was Arya trying goad Sansa into figuring it out for herself. Maybe she didn’t think Sansa would move on Littlefinger without realizing herself…
The thing is nobody ever liked Littlefinger. Royce couldn’t stand him and LF’s never been able to inspire loyalty in anyone as he’s always resorted to blackmail, bribery, threats, and coercion in order to get anyone to work with him. The Knights of the Vale and the North likely didn’t need evidence was because of LF’s…
Agreed. This wasn’t the culmination of the sister’s careful planning but Littlefinger’s overreach. Sansa learned his game and played it better. Great ending for that character.
I don’t think Littlefinger’s fate was meant to show the Stark girls were playing him the whole time. I think they were genuinely wary of each other, and Sansa at least was genuinely being manipulated. Until she played Littlefinger’s game. We watch her work it out. If you assume the worst, the conclusion is that Arya…
I thought it was relatively clear they survived - moreso than when Jaime sank into the Reach earlier in the season, in fact. They were running with a bunch of the wildlings behind them as the wall collapsed... then it stopped with only them standing on the part of the Wall that still stood.
Yes, we want that, too!
Despite knowing that no way would he actually die the moment still worked for me because Foggy and Karen do believe he’s gone. That moment when everyone else’s person comes back but theirs did make me sad for them. Foggy especially because he brought him the suit and told him to go save the city.